Live Display any Camera detected Activity on a dedicated LCD Monitor

I currently have Multiple Wyze Cams in various areas outside my home to include V2s,V3s, V4s, Floodlight Pros, WCO v1s and Battery Cam Pros and a Doorbell cam v1.

Many of them are setup mainly to view wildlife that passes by the house. Other’s to monitor / record activity at the front and back yards.

I have Automatons setup to activate various Wyze Color Bulbs and/or Wyze Light Strips throughout the house, depending on what is detected:

Red = person
Orange = pet (coyotes, raccoons, etc),
Green = package
Yellow = motion

I know have to grab my phone, or iPad, or go to and hunt down the event that triggered an automation.

I have an extra LCD monitor at my desk that has no purpose, I’d like to set something up to where when something (Person, Pet, Package, Motion) is detected on any of my Camera’s, that it displayed on that LCD Monitor.

I’ve a NVidia Shield, an Intel NUC, an Apple TV and a QNAP NAS that I can connect to that external LCD Monitor.

In a nutshell, if one of my Wyze Color Lights triggers from one of my Wyze Camera’s, change the LCD display to a live view of that camera for 1 minute or the duration of the detected event.

Then, after activity is no longer detected, change to a 4 x 4 or other configuration of multiple camera’s much like is seen on the app’s Monitoring tab.

Is it even possible to do something like this?



It is possible, though complicated to do this without either some intermediate programming or making it a nearly dedicated screen.

It is probably easier to get something like an Alexa Show device dedicated to streaming the camera anytime it detects motion.

Part of the problem is that the Wyze app’s automation rules only work within the Wyze app, and it doesn’t support auto streaming and official integrations that do support autostreaming like Alexa and Google Home don’t support triggers for pets, or packages and sometimes not the other(s), and definitely not for bulb color changes. But you could simply have the cameras start streaming to them for any motion all the time and that will still cover all the other detections too since they are also a subcategory of motion.

Things I would consider looking into:

Install the Alexa app or Google home on the connected device. This might make it possible to run certain automations to stream the Wyze Cam without requiring the monitor to be dedicated to it (I haven’t actually tried this, but I believe it should work similar to using their dedicated display screens they sell since the app makes it act similarly).

A more complex way to handle this that I would personally possibly do would be to:

  • Run all the cameras through an rtsp converter like docker Wyze bridge
  • Run home assistant on a device connected to the monitor and integrate the rtsp camera streams into home assistant
  • Have a dedicated old android device running Macrodroid or Tasker parse all Wyze app notifications and any time it sees the notification in question, have it send a webhook to home assistant and have that trigger an automation that automatically streams the camera onto the monitor.
    • An alternative to this would be to install the 3rd party home assistant community store Wyze integration and have an automation watch what the color of the wyze bulb is. The trigger would be that If it turns a certain color (or maybe if it changes in any way), then stream that camera to the monitor.

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