Lamp Socket Suddenly Not Working

I have a Wyze Lamp Socket installed outside and it was working great for 2 years.

I was first using it with a Cam V3 but upgraded to the V4 when that came out. Socket was still working perfectly until I noticed a few days ago that the light plugged into that socket was not coming on at dusk as usual.

Opened the Wyze app, opened the V4 camera (which was still powered up and working fine), however the camera no longer seems to know it is connected to a lamp socket.

I’ve tried restarting everything, manually powering off the lamp the socket is inside of, as well as resetting the V4 and installing it from scratch. The camera recognized the lamp socket for a few minutes, but now it is not showing up again.

I also purchased another lamp socket and installed that, with the same outcome.

Lastly, I tried using both lamp sockets with an old spare V3 camera, with the same outcome.

Weirdly, the V4 camera DOES show the Lamp Socket under “Device Info”, where it shows that the Lamp Socket has a Firmware version of, even though I can not actually seem to control the socket.

This seems to have started happening around the last Wyze App release, so I’m wondering if there is a correlation.

Anyone else having this problem?

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Im having the exact same issue! Wyze, please help.

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Yes, I have this exact same issue and version numbers. I even replaced the Wyze Lamp Socket with a new one and for some reason the camera works, but I cannot turn on the connect light bulb (manually or via a scheduled session). Initially, it did not see the lamp socket, but after I restarted the socket and camera, the camera was able to see the socket. I can hear something clicking, like it is trying to turn on the bulb, but no dice. I am calling Wyze support now to see if is some kind of a software update issue.

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WOW! Wyze support is terrible. All they do is say “we are working on it…” Here’s my latest email to them

  1. Not only did I install a new Wyze Lamp socket, but I just received a new one from Home Depot and it still does not work.
  2. I replaced the Lampsocket and supporting wires and the v4 camera turns on, but when I manually try to turn on the light bulb (which I replaced too), it still does not work.
  3. Like I said before, with my old lampsocket and my v3 camera, all works fine.

so it has to be one of two things

  1. Even though the v4 camera is fully functional, it is broken in terms of communicating with the lamp socket
  2. Either a lampsocket or v4 firmware update broke the communication between v4 and the lampsocket

Wyze is aware of this issue but has chosen to remain silent. Unfortunately, their support team tends to send customers on a wild goose chase, asking for logs and reports, even though they know this isn’t something that can be resolved with a simple firmware update.

I’ve been dealing with this for over 18 months. My cameras fail to recognize that I have lamp sockets installed. Despite several reboots, the functionality only works temporarily before I have to reboot again to get them recognized. It’s clear that Wyze isn’t being transparent about the problem. The lamp socket itself is defective.

Additionally, I can’t control my outdoor light separately from the socket. I’m forced to control it through the app, which is frustrating. The light stays on all day, even though I’ve set it to operate from dusk to dawn. At this point, I’m ready to give up on Wyze entirely.

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I have this same problem with all 3 camv4 cameras, each of which are powered from a wyze socket.c after rebooting the cameras, the socket shows as installed then it disappears and the camera has to be rebooted for it to show up again.
The strange thing is that even though it shows as not installed, the one light which is set to come on at dusk for an hour, still works as it should.


Welcome to the forum. I see you joined two hour ago. Hopefully someone will chime in soon to assist in resolving your issue.

Hey ssummerlin, I’ve had the same issue with the lamp sockets not working since day one, even after countless firmware updates. I’ve read about this problem popping up for over a year, and Wyze has sent me on multiple wild goose chases for logs and troubleshooting steps. Nothing has worked. At this point, it’s clear the product is defective. Has anyone actually had success resolving this?

I would think they definitely have an issue. I troubleshot with no luck.

They (bulbs) do have a three-year warranty but I exceeded that.

I bought two Kasa color bulbs as replacements.

Later a friend gave we two Wyze white bulbs.

I was workimg with @WyzeDesmond and @WyzeJasonJ. They were confident they could fine the issue. Later, they couldn’t duplicate the problem in the lab. They requested I ship my old bulbs back for testing. (They covered shipping).

Unfortunately, I didn’t hear of any progress. I forgot how little I paid for mine. I got almost three years use. I let them sit for nine months and they lost connectivity. When I tried to reset, I encountered issues.

I am not sure if I am in the loop to receive results of testing. You may want to touchbase with these guys. I had the old 2019 version. The new Wyze bulbs and Kasa color bulbs work fine and use a different connection technology.

Best of luck.