Lamp socket 0.9.029 cam v3 combo

I have two light sockets connected to the cam v3. Everyday one of the sockets looses connection. It will reconnect by switching off the power and powering it back on. It’s annoying to say the least. The two lamps are at our front door and it’s always the socket not connected to the camera. All firmware is up to date and the app is too. I spent an hour with customer support and went through all the troubleshooting but it still keeps happening.

So, Wyze is fully aware of this mess but has opted for the “silent treatment.” Classic. Meanwhile, their support team is out here playing “detective,” asking for logs and reports like they’re solving the next big true crime case. Spoiler alert: they know damn well this isn’t something a firmware update is going to magically fix.

I’ve been stuck in this Groundhog Day loop for over 18 months. My cameras can’t seem to figure out I’ve got lamp sockets installed. I reboot, they work for a hot minute, then—poof!—back to square one. It’s like trying to convince your toaster it’s actually a toaster.

Oh, and controlling my outdoor light separately? Forget about it. Apparently, I need a master’s degree in app navigation to turn the damn thing off during the day, even though I set it to “dusk to dawn.” Wyze seems to think the sun doesn’t exist.

At this point, I’m just about ready to chuck the whole system and go back to candles. At least those don’t need firmware updates to function.

Automating the candles :candle: would be a challenge and possible fire hazard. Curious to learn your methods.

Good to know about the sockets. A friend is thinking of trying them out. Maybe he should start out with one to see if he has any luck.

I may have found my problem. I moved my router about two feet and the issue appeared to improve. I then replace the lamp socket with a new one. The lamp has maintained connection for two days now. It may have been a faulty WiFi receiver in the lamp.

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It’s been over a week since the socket dropped out. I’m convinced it was a faulty socket.

I’m curious if anyone else has had an issue with the lamp socket product.

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