I attempted to contact support and the first agent only wanted to factory reset everyone of my devices with issues in place of troubleshooting. The problem is that one of my devices was installed in the last month so I know this was not the fix. I talked with another person who claimed they were a supervisor but tried also to just factory reset and I said no. Her only solution was replacing my camera.
Here are all of my issues right now that I am hoping some people have had similar issues with:
Wyze Cam Pan V3 - Goes into Privacy Mode (turns off) on its own. I did do a factory reset and that of course did not work. The solution by the agent, provide me with a gift card however I feel as though there should be a way to troubleshoot this.
Spotlight with Camera - Camera does not always send event recordings to me so I am clueless if something happens. The camera may pick up an animal such as a deer but the spotlight does not turn on despite being 10 ft in front of the light/camera. Also, the spotlight might turn on for me but only for a few seconds then turns off but I would love to still have some light at that time while I am in front of it. The solution - send me a gift card but wait they are out of stock!
I will get over 50 event recordings of which many are triggered either by the motion of white specs in the air or the sound of wind. Then I will go long periods of having zero event recordings which is extremely frustrating. Agent’s fix: Talk to the services team as this must only be a Cam plus issue but wait they only email. Do you think they started a conversation with the services team yet for me to be emailing with them? Nope!
Many event recordings that I do get have a glitch and start 4, 5, or even 6 seconds in.
I use to have cam plus lite until my cars were broken into and Wyze failed me. I went ahead and started paying for Cam Plus for the last few months. That is when most of my issues all started to happen. I am supposed to be emailing with the services team as they are not allowed to make a phone call but the agent never setup the conversation.
The other challenging question is that I watch for sales then I will buy units. The problem with this is that the agent’s only fix is to send me a gift card. The gift card will only be sent for the amount I purchased the unit for and when I questioned the agent they told me I would have to pay the difference despite one of my units only being a month old. This is the worst customer service I have experienced in a long time.
Help, why has Wyze gone done hill so fast over the last couple of years. In the earlier years they were much more responsive and helpful. Any and all ideas to correct some of my issues would be great, thank you for your time.
Being very tech savy, sometimes tech support (from any company, not just Wyze), will ask me to do things that I 100% know is not the problem or will not fix things, but despite being somewhat annoyed to do something I know isn’t going to make a difference, I always do them in the order they ask me to anyway just to make sure they can officially tell the next tier that they ruled out everything in their script and when I submit a log or whatever, it will be in the order the technicians expect to see so they can see if there is any pattern that stands out to why it is still behaving differently than it should. When I have refused to do everything they’re supposed to check, then they can’t vouch for me that they ruled out all the obvious things already, and sometimes it makes things harder on the techs to have to sort through abnormal logs when they are needed to be reviewed as things weren’t done in the same way or the same order as they’re used to reviewing.
Sorry to hear you’re having so many frustrations.
Incidentally, often if something is a warranty issue, Wyze will first offer a gift card so you can spend it any way you want (on a different devices, etc), but they do allow you to decline the gift card and get a normal hardware replacement instead (assuming that it did indeed qualify under the warranty). So you could ask them to just replace it.
For me personally, if this were happening to me and a factory reset didn’t resolve the Privacy mode issue, I would try force Flashing the firmware since I have seen that resolve weird things a lot of time. Maybe one of the files during the last firmware update were corrupted or are having a weird issue or something. Flashing the firmware often resolves weird, random things like that which are not common but do sometimes happen. Thankfully Wyze allows firmware flashing, unlike other companies. It is very helpful. I’ve resolved weird issue like that by doing this.
I use a couple of spotlights indoors as night lights, but I don’t really pay attention to them, so I can’t comment too much on that.
How long have you been waiting on the services team? Maybe I can try to pass in a word to someone to check into it for you.
My biggest complaint is they seem to only use the script. Honestly my latest go around, seems to indicate, there is not use for the support department, and they could honestly be replaced by an "script-bot / aka “AI”, as all I got in 9 emails, was copy and pasted responses. In fact I got bounced around between agents who kept responding with the same things, ignoring anything in the email chains, or attachments that had been sent, and asking for the same things that previous agents had asked for. In the end, they say they’ll look at my log files, but sunset (for my lamp sockets) is off about 2.5 hours (early) at my house because the Wyze app does not have location services (so it apparently picks a random time to come on and turn off I guess).