I have three Cam v3s and all of them have stopped recording events 95% of the time. I am able to view the live stream and playback, but I will receive a notification that a camera recorded an event, but then when I look at “Events” in the app, it’s empty.
I’ve tried rebooting, updating firmware (they’re all currently, playing with settings in the app, etc., and nothing seems to help.
This functionality was working fine when I first received them, but it seems that it stopped working after one of the last firmware updates.
I don’t see that option available, though I’m assuming I can do a factory reset and then just ignore the continual nag screen telling me that there’s a new firmware upgrade available?
I guess your are correct, I just looked at mine on the app. and didn’t see a way to change back. I did it numerous times on my outdoor cams so I thought you could do it for the V3 also, I was wrong.
I have same issue with multiple cameras at different premises all using the same account. They have different firmwares. It’s clearly not an endpoint issue and has been ongoing for months. Disabling cam plus can occasionally improve things temporarily but things play up again and enabling cam plus can give a short term fix till it fails again.
I suspect their cloud services don’t have the capacity and reject upload attempts from cameras. It seems to be account related, I guess infrastructure is allocated to accounts. When you enable/disable cam plus you get provisioned and luck of the draw as to which infrastructure you get assigned. A pool might be good one week but starts to fail the next. It’s all crap and you are best to move to another product rather than wasting time with firmwares.
This has been happening to me for months on the three camera versions I own: Cam v2, Cam v3, Pan Cam, with and without CamPlus. They just stop detecting events: no notifications, no recordings. I have to deactivate CamPlus, turn off notifications, unplug the cameras, plug them in, turn on notifications, re-configure notifications, re-activate CamPlus. Super tedious. And, sometimes, even that doesn’t work.
I am having the same problem as well and for months this has been going on. I’m now looking into getting a different brand. I have 7 cameras and 1 does not work at all and will not pair. It’s very frustrating. I am paying for CamPlus for 3 devices and everyday at least 1 camera will not record. 3/5 of my sensors do not work as well and have been replaced twice and are no longer available for purchase.
Any suggestions at brands to look at is welcomed.
I have the same issue with 3 cameras, receiving notifications but event is empty. Tried clearing cache, updated filter criteria to show everything, reboot etc. I’m getting more and more frustrated with all the bugs with these cameras. I understand the need for Wyze to grow the business by introducing new products and services, as a current user, I’ll be hesitate to invest further with Wyze products and services until they show signficant improvements in quality of existing products
The problem seems to be CamPlus on my PanCam. If I activate CamPlus on my PanCam, it stops registering ALL events (and never records them, of course). If I deactivate CamPlus, the PanCam works fine. If this cannot be fixed soon, (I can move the CamPlus sub to my other front Cam v3, and it continues to record events just fine. The problem seems to be only with the PanCam.) I will have to stop my CamPlus subscriptions, since they are not very useful if they PREVENT event recording.