Just installed floodlight with camera and person detection isn't working as motion

I installed floodlight with camera v2 today and my camera is only detecting motion (ac unit, BBQ cover blowing in the wind, trees blowing). When I have walked past the camera multiple times nothing is detected. I have also changed the detection area to not include the AC or BBQ area so it wouldn’t detect these things. I signed up for Cam Plus and my camera is assigned to it. So far the camera detects leaves blowing in the wind but not a person walking by. I am starting to second guess this purchase.

Welcome to the Forum, @kvalliere! :wave:

How do you have your Smart Detection Events set? I don’t have Cam Floodlight v2, but I would expect the settings to be similar to other cameras, like on Cam v4 I navigate from the camera’s Live Stream screen to  Settings ➜ Event Recording ➜ Customize Recordings and/or  Settings ➜ Notifications ➜ Manage.

Also, I notice that you tagged your topic with cam-outdoor and cam-v1-v2, but you seem to be describing floodlight-v2, so re-tagging your topic might help to get this issue the visibility you’re seeking.

As @crease mentioned make sure you have the notifications you want set. There is also a bit of a glitch where it isn’t obvious how to disable “other motion” so it will ignore the stuff you mentioned.

One sure fire way is under event recording, set it to “all events” instead of smart, then go in to the customize and uncheck “other motion” and any others you don’t want. When doing it that way, it will still record/tag the other motion, but it won’t notify you, however it will notify you of any others you’ve selected “notify” on.

If you don’t want to record the other motion at all, I’ve seen people mention it can be done. I believe you leave the event recording on “smart” with the stuff you want selected, then under notifications go into the customize there and I think it will let you uncheck both “tag” and “notify”. But that may have changed.

if you are using continuous recording, then the first method should be fine since it is recording everything anyway, unless you don’t want to see the events listed in the app or the little icons on the timeline for “other motion”.