Is there an outage today? _________ 8-17-2024

Is there any outages today? ( Northeast -NJ)

2, of my 9 cams are down this morning

I am using the just upgraded 3.0.0 (519) app build
that was installed 2 days ago

Everything is working fine here (mid-Atlantic) running same app version.

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Something is going on with Wyze

Out of my 10 cams
Mixture of V2, V3, OG’s

2 cams are only working
other 8 nothing

The 2 cams that are still working are the 2 OG Cams
All others are v2’s, V3’s, and are not working, and I dont even receive the Can’t connect, its stuck on “Loading Live Stream” on all other 8 cams

Nothing is wrong with my network, and nothing has been changed, modified, etc.

I have 11 PC’s on my network, 5 Physical, and 6 virtual, and everything works fine.

Also just to make sure, I rebooted both of my wireless routers,
They are operating fine.


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I’m currently live streaming 50+ cams of all flavors except doorbells. Cams are located in Northeast, mid-Atlantic and Southeast. AWS reports no issues. Servicedown map shows no issues. Nothing reported on Downdetector either. But I’ll keep an eye out on services and for others reporting issues today.


Thank you for the feedback…
Very strange as all cams were working fine prior to today

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Looks fine down south.

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Serious Questions @Seapup Seapup:
With 50+ cams, how is the new APP working for you?
Do you stream just because or are you responsible for something and you look at various cameras during the day.?
Do you group everything under Favorites and forget the Device list?
Do you manage any other devices in your device list? (plugs? water sensors? Temp Sensors?) Those all fall into the master list as well on the new app.

Multiple properties, but also testing multiple app versions under multiple operating system types and versions and on multiple, different viewing devices. Running just about everything Wyze has produced, but no doorbells, no thermostats, no locks, no sprinkler controllers. 2 accounts. 1 has 200+ devices over 2 properties with around 50 of those devices Wyze sensors of all flavors, the other has about 40 devices. Current main home has 2 fiber feeds to support the load. Everything organized into groups. All groups are located in Favorites, but only 2 cams insta-load per location. That means in order to view all cams, I’m usually simultaneously running 10+ viewing devices. Since I’m working from groups under Favorites, 3.0 is working as well as 2.50. But I understand the issue most 3.0 users are encountering, especially those with more than 4-6 cams in Favorites when not grouped. On low-end/budget to mid-level viewing devices, I run into the same grind-to-a-halt and failure to load issues when streaming demand exceeds phone/tablet resources.

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Very impressive.

I feel tiny with my 8 cams, but happy.

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I live in South Carolina and have been a beta tester for this version of this app and I’ve started to have problems with all of my settings in my app and my devices and as of an hour ago everything is disappeared out of the app but it still remembers the names of my devices even though they’re not showing up so there’s something wrong and I can’t get wyze because they are closed until tomorrow morning.

Same thing here --just stays on “Loading Live Steam.” Using Android phone. This has never happened to me before. Also when I log into the desktop option and select My Wyze Web App, the new browser window that opens up says “You need a Wyze Cam in your account.” as if I have no cameras. My wife has an iPhone and the cameras work except one says offline, but when you open it, the camera loads.

Well, this was a clue so I restarted my phone and as soon as I opened the Wyze app, all the cameras were immediately there. Therefore, restarting my phone was the solution that worked for me. However, still not working in the Wyze Web App on my PC…not sure why not if it is the same account.



Yesterday everything came back up and started working again

Today it was working this morning, all cams viewable
But then about an hour later
opened up my Windiws Desktop LDPLayer Android Emulator,
and I have the Wzye Splash Screen, And the app is not loading

My Android SmartPhone access works.

What I believe is causing all of this
Is issues on Wyze servers, and the changes made ( in the background) how the Wyze App connects, compared to how the Wyze App connected with 2.X version of the app.

Never experienced any of these issues ever, with all prior builds of the Wyze App, Prior to the NEW 3.0 recent release.

Problem for me is, Wyze seems to be very quite about it.

I doubt Wyze will troubleshoot the Wyze app running under an emulator, especially LDPlayer.

The issues being experienced, to me, is the Wyze APP 3.0
Never had these issues happen ever, with the prior App versions

As far as “groups”
My Cam groups most are 2 in a group, 1 is 4 cams
Never had any issues previously
Also using FIOS Gigabit fiber…

Everyhing came back up yesterday,
( 2 OG Cams never went down)
but all V2’s V3’s on the same two wireless segments the OG’s Cams are on did go down
This points to Wyze Cloud Server issue to me
Then the app wont load sometimes, or give CAM Status

Another event, after the one days ago I posted about

Wyze app Was working this morning,
Then stopped with the Screen Caputre Shown posted here
Then 20 minutes later, its starting to work again

All of this never happened with the prior version of the app.

My Smartphone with 3.0 App still connects

To me it points to the unseen changes
on the Backend of the new Wyze App 3.0.
And issues on their cloud servers

I doubt it too

But it does not change the fact
Never had any issues with ALL previous versions of the Wyze App,
on an Android Emulator
Prior to 3.0 recent release

If all prior versions worked fine
Then 3.0 should work fine, but since 3.0 is a NEW release
There will be updates by Wyze, as time goes on to fix the new issues identified.

Nobody can write code, ( release new App Builds) and not have to issue patches/ fixes soon after the app is release to public,

Not one company in the world releases a new app,
without soon after releasing patches to the new app.

So I expect updates to be release in the coming month or so

Are you saying that the 3.0 Wyze app works on your Android phone, but does not work under an emulator?

The Wyze App has successfull worked on An Anroid Emulator for the last 2-3 years.
All issues over the years by Wyze,
were experienced on Both Smartphone,
and the emulator at the same time.

Up until the Wyze 3.0 recent release

If anyone Poo Poo’s emulators, they also must keep in mind
Wyze cleint services are hosted on Hyper-V, VMWare, or AWS servers

Which are all basically Virtualized PC hardware/software Emulators.

This day and age the apps should have no problem working on physical or virtual systems.

The bottom line is, there is no Wyze outage when using the 3.0 app under the Wyze-stated system requirements.

Although many of us run the app under an emulator (I’m running it under native Windows 11 Android emulator and Ubuntu and BlueStacks), it isn’t a supported configuration. We do help each other on this forum when encountering issues, and sometimes (rarely) a Wyze dev jumps in to help, but this forum isn’t substitute for Wyze Customer Support. The biggest issue is that calling Support will most likely lead to a dead end for 2 reasons; your configuration isn’t supported and all of the emulator-related wishlist requests have been shot down.

Everything is working fine at my house with the new app. I don’t see any issues.

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Points taken regarding emulators

But Wyze can easily address this by creating an installable desktop app.

I am not at all a fan of the Wzye Web View, ( and posted few times, warning Wzye about Web View, the security risks, company liability risks, and risks of financial costs)

One of the main reasons it provides a MUCH larger “global attack surface”
for hackers worldwide to take advantage of.

And they eventually will.

Anything Web baseds will be hacked
Hackers Hacked routers of an Cable provider over the last year,
and BRICKED, over 600,000+ Customers routers that were provided by the carrier.

And there are more hackers attacking then there are security employees at any company, at any time.

The more closed an environment
is the more secure and stable it is

in any regards