Introducing Wyze Bird Feeder - Launched 8/27/2024

I have 2 cams on my feeding table, but yeah there are feeders out there eith cameras included but theyre all very expensive. Heck, I’ll bet one could just set their Wyze cam on one end of a plank and a feeder at the other end at just the right distance.

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I’ve tried this exact thing. The wide angle on the current cameras does not get good video at all. I’m really anxious to see what this monocle will do to zoom in and get a clear picture.

We do not a birdfeeder. We need a camera app whose AI doesn’t identify birds as “pet.”

What about all the people who have birds as pets and want to know which room their parakeet was last hiding in? :slight_smile: My brother has done this with his pet birds.


Outdoor birds. Indoors, you don’t need to know that you have birds that are pets.

The new V4 seems to have better quality. The only one that I have used successfully close yp is the defective V3, which only focuses close up. Hmm, I wonder if a :mag_right: would work in front of these cams.

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By a stick on lens kit for your phone and stick it on your bird feeder camera. Bada bing bada boom.

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Please add a Wyze Bat house next :slight_smile:


Good idea. I have a bat house that I’m putting together. I didn’t even thonk about setting up a cam with it.

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Agreed. We are working on that.


This has also been requested in a Wishlist topic:

That seems to be the place to ask Wyze to make this available as a separate product. Please share your comments there and hit the Vote button above the inital post! :smiling_face:

:pencil2: Edit: Hopefully everyone who gave your post a :heart: will also go Vote! :wink:


Finally a good use for my battery cam that doesnt need the missing time lapse feature!

Though, it could be cool to have a time lapse of all the birds visiting in the mornings after they realize it’s there.

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It would be significantly cooler if Wyze could master one skill – such as AI-based object identification – before attempting to expand its product line into frivolities.

I can see birds constantly, I don’t need a camera to show me they’re there. What I do need is a surveillance camera that can differentiate between a moving and static vehicle, a pet from a crow, a person from a pet, a lighting change from the object it illuminates, and a shadow from an actual swaying tree branch.

When Wyze can prove it can do what it claims it can do, I’ll consider buying other products from the company. Until then, I’ll assume that it’s other products come up just as short as its cameras’ AI capabilities.


I completely agree! The AI hasn’t worked right since day one. I’m so tired of vehicle events for parked cars and it missing the large dog walking right in front of it. And the event recordings that get cut short because the subject moved to far back. We need a setting to let it continue recording so many seconds past. And the sensitivity needs to be put back they way it used to be, my cameras miss things that a few years back it easily saw.

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Mine was just delivered. Can’t wait to get home.


Drop a photo!


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Dumb question. What will prevent someone walking up to it, lifting up the camera and walking off with it?

Ethics? Morals? Conscience?

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