Installing WYZE Cam outside - one approach

Or, maybe, just wait a week for the Outdoor cam…

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No guarantees about that, but I think you may be right. :slight_smile:

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Okay, maybe a few weeks.

What you guys have not got yours yet?

Well me neither. But I wants one me precious!

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Could you please show me the wiring from electrical outlet to the cam?

But that will be 1 week after:
They release them from sale
Process your order
Ship them

Well, I’m guessing Thursday… :slight_smile: But its’ just a hunch. Haha.

I’ve found a really good weather proof covers-mount in Amazon, they come with screws and the are very flexible depending on your installation.

I guess it’s official that the Outdoor cam is NOT being released on Thursday. But reading between the lines, it sounds like maybe they were TRYING to get it ready for Wyze Day and it didn’t quite work out. Considering that, and the fact that they’re STILL saying “this year,” I feel like it’s gotta be right around the corner. Few weeks hopefully.


I am using 3 of these covers outside now, the only drawback would be if you are daisy chaining your cameras, there is not enough room in the back without modifying the case a bit.

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I never daisy chained my cameras, in fact I didn’t know that the USB port at the back could be use to power up more cameras, I have at least one of the cameras with a bridge connected to it and my cameras are so far away from each other than its easier to find an outlet.
I have 5 outlets in my attic and I am running my camera cables directly there.

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Awesome good job :+1: u can seal hole with some sealant…Looks good​:+1:


I just used one of these found on Amazon and put a cam under my front porch soffett pointing at the yard/driveway. It has been working great for a couple of weeks to include night mode. I have had to clean off a web that a spider spun last week. Cam kept detecting his motion during his building. :grinning:


Hi indabad
Check out, Power for cameras from a light switch.
Maybe that will help.
Victor Maletic

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That will only work if the switch has line and common going to it.
In most cases a switch only has line power, no common wire (white).

Guess I lucked out.


They need slight modifications and better seals

I added sealent around the lens and case body for the amazon outdoor case and added an 8dbi antenna. total cost around $33 including camera. had to remove speaker to fit antenna mod.



See Mom, I know I took a part lots of my new toys when I was a kid, but look what I can do today!

Thank you Wyze team for all the fun and enjoy you have brought to so many of us who love to create and improvise. Yes, and please don’t listen to my family because they all say I’m obsessing with all my toys.