Install electric socket in roof space for Cam USB plug, or not?

Greetings from NZ everyone. I have just ordered another camera (V4 this time) to mount outside under the eaves in order to view vehicles at the top of our driveway. A power supply would be needed in the roof space/attic for the USB plug, but I am not convinced this would be a safe thing to do having heard about some plugs melting even in normal temperatures let alone a roof space that can get up to 50c plus. I do not want to fit an outside socket if I can help it, as that is not a very secure option. I would appreciate anyone’s views or suggestions on this please-Thanks in advance.

If I can get away from using wall warts I do.

For interior installs and “Harder to reach” locations I have been using these where I can “cut power” to reboot.

I have no clue why but the link keeps reverting back to the outlet with no USB. Once there Click with USB

Thanks. My main concern is the power plug catching fire in the roof space especially with high summer temperatures. I have boosted wifi around the house already.

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See photos for my solution to mount an exterior OG cam using an accessible interior outlet.
I used a stud finder to determine where to drill the hole through the wall.

The power brick for the OG is not rated for exterior use. I assume that is the same for the V4.
You would have to buy the outdoor power brick to plug into an outside outlet.


Wyze USB Adapters can and have caught fire :fire:

The last place you would want one is in an attic.

See these posts, or search for the many others relating to USB Adapters catching fire or overheating

Cut and Paste from another thread long ago

This was for an outdoor installation but will work inside too 

The limit is around 20-25 feet on a USB cable, too much voltage drop beyond that length.

You could also consider using “Low Voltage Wiring” and burying the wire from an A.C. power outlet (indoors) power supply to the cameras. Then use a 12 volt to 5 volt micro-USB regulator adapter and install to camera.

The power Supply mounts indoors but the cable to camera can be longer as the 5 volts is regulated at the camera. And Voltage drop due to cable length is not an issue as the regulator will work with as low as 9 volts input.

I have ran over 180 feet of 2 conductor cable to camera with this setup, use low voltage lighting wiring it can be buried, it is weatherproof and UV resistant.

Connect the 12v to 5v micro-USB regulator adapter to cable matching polarity ( +red -black ) along cable where a camera is needed if more than 1 camera just get a 12 volt adapter with more current (Amps) The Adapter regulator is weatherproof except the micro-USB itself but the boot on the V3 takes care of that.

Links below to several power supplies, 2 Amp for 1 V3 pan camera. or 5 amp for 2 V3 pan cameras,
choose according to your needs. The cable run can have multiple connections for cameras along cable.

12 volt input to 5 volt output micro-USB cable (adapter) ← Sold out currently

12v to 5v Micro-USB adapter ← Alternate

12 volt power supply 2 amp with connector adapter

12 volt power supply 5 amp with connector adapter

14/2 Low Voltage Landscape Wire - 100 feet

Gardner Bender 25-1W1 Watergard Weatherproof Twist-On Wire Connectors, 22-12 AWG, Small Direct-Buried

This location originally had a V2 in an enclosure, the 12v to 5v adapter has been exposed to rain, snow, and heat of summer for over 3 years. Recently replaced V2 with a V3

Below is an event captured by this camera, note I don’t use IR as I get too many flying bug triggers.

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Well I live in Phoenix, AZ, just installed 2nd Wyze Cam (OG) outdoors. Both plug into a receptacle in attic (see pic). Temp in attic during our summer months reaches up to 85C. I’ve had no problems so far.


That’s good. I guess the problem is if the problem occurs, would have time to put the fire out? :fire: If you noticed.

I heard it gets toasty in Phoenix. Probably most heat I ever experienced.

Not making fun of your reply, very good point. Just FYI- I’m a retired Firefighter (33yrs).


My dad was a fire captain after he was often the first into a fire. I have loads of fire training. :smile:

I would not worry about it. We all take risks.

I do remember hearing that roof fires can be deadly.

I would rather minimize all risks :fire:

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Very true. Especially with so many options. Nice props.

And for NZ don’t they use 230?

So much more BangđŸ’„ for your defective USB adapterđŸ”„


Sorry, are you concerned about an outlet catching fire as well?

The item I linked is a smart outlet with USB ports. You can plug th camera into the USB port and control the outlet via an app as well.

I was going to suggest either a smart or dumb outlet with USB ports since your link doesn’t have USB ports :wink:

AHA!!! Thank you @habib looks like I referenced the wrong device. lol. I updated the link above as well. And here it is again with the Smart Outlet I used WITH USB :wink:

Ugh I have no clue why but the link keeps reverting back to the outlet with no USB. Once there Click with USB

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When I was about 6, I shoved a bunch of dry leaves up a neighbor’s downspout and lit them on fire to see the smoke come out the top. Fortunately I burned my the pads on my palms and not the leaves. That made me stop playing with matches.

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You’re probably just grabbing a link with the wrong ASIN. I don’t think it’s you. I think it’s got something with the way Discourse handles “Oneboxes”. If you get the ASIN that I think you want and shorten the link, then you can do something like this:


That avoids the Onebox and lets you do this:

Sometimes Discourse tries too hard to be “helpful” and pretty, and I’ll just leave that there by itself. Y’all are welcome to draw any potentially dangerous comparisons for yourselves. :grin:

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