IFTTT says that options unavailable for device

in ifttt for a applet, at the bottom where i choose which camera i want to apply that applet to i get the options unavailable. i sent and relogged into my wyze account in ifttt but still no options. it says i need to be on at least firmware 4.9.x.x and i am on 4.10.x.x

whats going on?

Based on the firmware I am guessing it is a PanCam, what kind of applet are you trying to do that it says no option

unbelievable. now that i posted here i go back and check and my camera shows up. i had earlier reconnected to my wyze account and i think it needed a bit of time for it to update ifttt.

it was an applet to turn on a camera when i leave a certain area (my home)

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Glad you got it fixed, I have run into that problem before and noticed if i give it 10 minutes or so it will fix itself

somehow i thought it would update it almost immediately but now i know… anyway thanks for taking the time to respond!