EDIT: I will be needing to do a downgrade to the 2.5x so how do i get that installed first? OR will I have to install the latest 3.x and then go back and do the downgrade?
Well, friggy diggy, guys & gals - I have to do a factory-reset on my android due to some sort of malicious code, blah blah, according to what samsung told me over the phone
I’m hoping someone can please tell me what to expect when I re-install the wyze app?
Will I need to go through the ENTIRE process of installing the app and re-establishing my logon and password and re-installing all 13 of my cameras, etc, etc, etc? If anyone knows step-by-step, that would be awesome!
If you have the apk image of the Wyze app, sideload it after a factory reset of the phone.
You won’t need to re-install any camera. All the settings are in the cloud and will be automatically downloaded after the first login, assuming you use the same email.
I’m sorry but I don’t know how to “sideload it.”
I’ll be going back to
3.x is slowly torturing me to death.
The only way to downgrade an app is to sideload it; you can’t avoid it.
Too complicated to describe here. Search for it and ask if the instructions aren’t clear.
Edit - What I recommend is to install the latest app first. It may work and the reason it didn’t before is probably because of the malicious code you stated.
Your “torture” is probably due the cameras trying to connect all at the same time. There’s a new setting in the latest version of the app to prevent this.
Ok thanks!
No you will not need to.
When you install the app from the App store, or even sideload the SDK, you will simply logon with your credentials and 2FA and all of your devices will be there ready to use. No issue with doing this or installing on another device as well.
So bottom line is: No need to setup the devices again, no need to redo your logon creds. Simply install the app, logon, and all will be there for you.
Just curious, why not just use the 3.2 app now? Most of the biggest complaints are resolved with v3.2 You can even make it so cameras don’t automatically live stream, etc.
But yeah, if you’re set on app 2.5, just go to APK mirror and install the APK file of the Wyze app (not the bundle version) from there. It will be simple, you’ll just have to login again and all your devices will still be there.
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