What are the consequences of deleting and reinstalling the Wyze app? This is a drastic approach new to me and I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot. Cannot get a Floodlight cam v2 to setup. Replacement also will not setup. Will not continue past the ready to connect green next button screen. Strong wifi signal. I did setup a cam v4 a few days ago.
I need to know if everything will be restored to the app as currently if the app is deleted and reinstalled. I’m talking about 30 cams (including 4 WOC’s & hub v1), Wyze watch and outdoor plug. In addition to my Alexa and Google Home devices and settings.
Is it worth it to get 1 cam to setup or do I continue to return as defective until I do get 1 to setup. The 1st FLv2 did setup and operated for a month before issues were encountered. Would not setup again after factory reset. Replacement won’t setup period. Support wants me to load the app to another phone and try the setup. That is not feasible. My wife has the same phone as me. Willing to try the delete/reinstall app procedure depending on consequences.
Also have rules created for cameras and several Alexa routines.
As long as you maintain your account with Wyze, deleting the App and reinstalling will not pose any issues. your devices will be there when you logon again.
Make sure you have your Password and 2FA information.
None, as long as you use your existing userid and password after reinstalling. Everything is stored in the cloud and pulled back in except the few items in app settings located at: Wyze app Home > Account > App Settings.
None, I do this all the time as I beta Test Apps as well. I signed up to be a beta tester and routinely remove the app and install again. I also have it installed on multiple devices.
Since the devices and items are stored in the cloud Alexa and Google Home would still be functional.
Thank you again. It’s the Alexa routines that are my concern beyond Wyze. Would not want to have to recreate those for displaying on my echo show based on detections.
Even if the FLv2 setup continues to fail, I will have at least increased my learning experiences.
There is actually at least 1 main potential consequence that I don’t like, and some smaller ones that don’t really matter.
The main thing I don’t like is that it unlinks my scales from Google Fit uploads. So I have to remember to go link my scales back up to Google Fit every time I clear the data or uninstall the app because that setting is stored locally, not in the cloud.
Sometimes I forget to set it up again and I might have a month’s worth of new weight measurements that were never uploaded to Google health data and now I have manually enter everything for the entire last month, and that sucks. I’ve had to do that at least 4 times over the years. Drives me crazy.
Other than that, all the other locally stored settings that need to be redone seem minor and rare. Getting new cache/thumbnails is automatic. Most settings are stored in the device or on the cloud, so there are very few consequences. The only one that really stands out to me is that blasted Google Fit link I sometimes forget to go manually relink every time.
Thank you @Seapup; @spamoni; @carverofchoice. Drastic as it may be just to try and setup a FLcamv2, I’ll give it a try tomorrow. If it fails, more to offer Support of a defective unit. If another replacement fails, I’ll have to consider the FL Pro or just put my working v1 back up. Although I was going to install it at my son’s house.
Don’t get me started on how awesome those are. It’s my favorite camera from any company. I now have 6 of them!
My only disappointments with it so far are:
No Timelapse [yet] (though they say they are working on it)
No RTSP (I knew this going into it though).
It’s got an amazing lens on it with awesome lighting and local edge AI detections and works great. I started with 1, then loved it so much I got another. Then saw a sale and bought a bunch more because it was just too awesome. Even learned how to make my own plug-in junction boxes just so I could get more of these.
The process of deleting and reinstalling the Wyze app was successful as all of you said it would be. It also resolved the failed to connect issue I had with the FLv2 setup. It has setup and installed.
I did get the idea of deleting and reinstalling the Wyze app from several forum conversations. It was not offered by Wyze Support.
@carverofchoice - I guess I’ll have to wait awhile for the FL Pro.
As a Watch 47 user, I’m curious: Did you have any issues with that after uninstalling and reinstalling the app? Since the Watch can be paired with only one phone at a time, I recently lost my Watch settings in the app when I was jumping through Support’s troubleshooting hoops and temporarily pairing it with a different phone.
@Crease - Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ve been preoccupied with some health issues.
Just checked my Wyze 47m watch and yes there are problems. Several functions are coming up as not available or not connected. Looks like I am going to have to delete the watch and reinstall it. Didn’t pay any attention to not getting notifications when I was at the gym a couple days ago.
Update: Didn’t have to delete and reinstall, just had to reconnect and everything was restored except notifications seems to be not working.
Thanks for the reply. Losing the Notification settings was my major issue. (I should’ve mentioned that Support had me do a factory reset of the Watch, as well.) Losing the Shortcuts was the secondary problem, but loading the Shortcuts back into the Watch was easy. Because I like using the Watch to receive a lot of my phone’s notifications, though, and because Wyze lists the apps on the phone in the Other Applications section of the Watch settings with absolutely no rhyme or reason to their order and no way to set or select any order, resetting all of those was my primary pain point with the whole exercise.
I hope the health issues are receiving appropriate care.
Appreciate the followup reply. I will have to monitor watch tomorrow. Perhaps the reconnect was not the real solution and a factory reset will be needed.
Yes on health, had mri this morning. Waiting for results in a few days.
#Crease - Miraculous recovery for my Wyze watch. I deleted the watch from the app and reinstalled/re-paired it. That initially did not bring the watch back. Still could not get notifications and short cuts working. I was preparing for a factory reset when the unexpected happened.
The allow notifications page was not working properly. There were no options on the page. If I slid the allow toggle, a page came up with apps listed and when I went back the allow toggle was back in the off position.
Suddenly, today as I was about to do the factory reset, allow notifications page appeared with the allow toggle in green/yes position and my watch went from no notifications to now displaying them. The other applications option came back but I do have to make some reselections. So far, all notifications are coming in from other applications classification.
Glad I got your message identifying this issue and didn’t have to do the factory reset or call support. I owe you one.
I don’t think you owe me anything. I was asking out of my own curiosity and self interest.
That was my experience, too, but, like I said, I moved the Watch from one phone to another (and back) on the advice of Support, and that was the most frustrating part of the experience (that and re-creating a couple of custom Watch faces) because there’s no discernible order to the applications when selecting them individually for notifications.
On the fun(-ish) side of the experiment, I had read in the Forum that it’s possible to set up a Watch 47 as a Watch 47c. The only potential upside I can see to that is a few faces that Wyze doesn’t make available for the original Watch 47 (which is what I have), and I ended up removing those and recreating my own, anyway.
I also have the 47. My phone failed the QR scanning for both the 47 & 47c when setting up again. Manual setup required entering a code that was under the QR for the 47. It worked and the watch was added. I never got to try for the 47c.
Off to the next adventure from Wyze that will have us reaching out in the forum.
It’s my understanding that they are the exact same watch on every way. The c just stands for “color” and means it has a different case/band that is “colored” instead of the original black. Otherwise they’re identical. It’s just that the c models launched later and they decided to add extra races for fun.