How to view all past events in Cam Plus?

Hey guys, I am trying the trial of Cam Plus again. Yesterday Iw rote down an event at 8.58am. The last night I tried going back to that event but the earliest event showing was at 1.53pm.

How can i view the past 24 hours events at any given time please?

When you select the events tab, it will show you the latest 20 events. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and swipe up and it will show the next 20 events. Note, you MAY have to swipe a couple times.

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In live view, there is a horizontal slider at the bottom of my phoneā€™s screen. Small rectangular boxes with time and date. So if I scroll to the right to any past time and box this shows that event. This is where I would have liked to view the past 24 hours events but I am guessing it doesn;t work that way?

So in the Events screen, at the bottom of that list is 7.46am, next time after is 8am. I canā€™t swipe any earlier than the 7.46am. And also when I touch any event, it only places a check mark to the left, it does not open that event for viewing?

Sounds like you hit the pencil to ā€œselectā€ events That will be obvious by the checkboxes (green arrow below). Hit cancel (the red arrow below), then you will be able to swipe more events.

What kind of camera is this? Iā€™ve never seen anything like that.

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Yes, I can scroll now, thanks! Cam Plus seems to work much better now with events than couple or few years ago when I had bought the 3 cameras.

I have an older iphone XR, this is a screenshot of how it looks on my phone:


Also, I am only now seeing what I am thinking is a ā€˜desktopā€™ option to view the cams, is this accurate please?

Itā€™s one of the battery cameras. They are different and I donā€™t have any. Someone else who has a doorbell camera will have to answer your question.

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