How to Prevent Camera From Notifying Movement in Detection Zone

I have my cameras set (“gray area”) to “ignore” movement in my detection zones, yet every 5 seconds I’m being alerted that there is movement in my selected detection zone.

I have tarps moving in the wind one of my Wyze cams & it always tells me it’s a human. Another camera I’ve set to ignore movement for a tree moving, and even allowed for extra area around the tree so it doesn’t alert me for movement in that area, and a third is the top of my house’s yard wall where traffic goes by and I have part of that area where the camera can see, ignored since it’s about a story above my house & doesn’t need to be monitored.

Is there a way to have my Wyze cams NOT alert me to these movements? When I first set up detection zones I was very pleased as all of the notifications every 5 seconds stopped, but starting yesterday the app has gone back to alerting me constantly for things that are not people (tarps) and things that are not vehicles (a waving tree.)

Am I mistaken in what detection zones are used for? Isn’t the gray area meant to be “ignored” for movement in that area, and the rest of the frame the camera will notify if there is movement? I’ve just recently started utilizing “smart AI detection,” but perhaps I need to go back to my own selected alerts, versus relying on Smart AI detection?

Any pointers?

It sounds like you’ve made some good efforts and have good thoughts on things you tried.

If you would like some pointers or suggestions, feel free to post a screenshot of your detection zone. There are a lot of people here with a lot of experience with this that can give some good things to keep in mind with your particular environment and even what is likely actually being detected as a person (it often has nothing to do with the thing causing movement, but is usually that the movement triggered an event and then something else within the zone is being analyzed as an AI object). We might be able to identify the most likely culprits and give suggestions of how to reduce the AI making that error.

One thing that can help is to turn on the green motion tag and see what areas that green box extends to and if it ever overlaps into your detection zone.

Wyze said they have a new AI prototype that would limit detections to movement instead of individual frame analysis, but it isn’t public yet and we don’t know when or if it ever will be. If it is, will resolve a lot of false detections caused from OTHER unrelated motion like tarps or trees though.

Detection zones define the area where you want motion to be monitored. You have it the other way around.

Smart AI detection is not very accurate.

This is correct. The darker gray area is the area you want to be ignored.

However, as I hinted to above, if any moving object in the gray non-detection zone has a green motion border square area that would overlap into the detection zone, then the AI will detect EVERYTHING that would’ve been highlighted within that green border motion tag, even if most of the object is in the gray area. If it thinks any part of it may have overlapped into the detection zone, it will still analyze all of the object.