Can someone please tell me how to fix this? This camera is detecting objects completely outside the zone. And it has been going on since day one, all firmware is up to date.
Can someone please tell me how to fix this? This camera is detecting objects completely outside the zone. And it has been going on since day one, all firmware is up to date.
Welcome to the Forum, @geodougp01!
Since you tagged your topic with cam-pan-v3, I thought maybe the camera had moved very slightly (like if you had Track Motion enabled) and that maybe the view had shifted a tiny bit, so I superimposed the detection zone over the event at 70% transparency, and things appear to be matching up as you’d expect:
The green box for motion tagging is clearly within the exclusion zone here, and what puzzles me is that it’s not around the car in the street (which I presume was moving at the time). I’m not quite sure what’s happening here, but hopefully someone who uses Detection Zones on Cam Pan v3 will chime in.
Can you post the event video? I wonder if there is some light change or something else that occurs? From just a screen shot its hard to tell if that is from the end on an event, or start or what, if the camera panned like @Crease questioned, etc… For troubleshooting, please post the event video. Thanks in advance!
Are you using “Track Motion” on the camera? If so, from what I’ve seen, the detection zone essentially becomes of no use, other than to give the camera a “home” position to return to automatically. I’ve never spent enough time to try and figure out if DZ partially works, or doesn’t work at all, but I’ve just accepted it doesn’t really do anything. I suspect the same would apply to pan/scan but not sure.
Brilliant work doing the overlay!
However, I suspect that the green motion tag may have overlapped during a different frame of the same event. I’m not saying it SHOULD have though. This could be a bug worth sending on to the devs. I agree with @Omgitstony that getting a full even would be extremely helpful in making a better hypothesis.
I also would like to know if the cam pan is set to track motion as mentioned by @dave27
I do know there were some weird issues with the OG’s not respecting the detection zone recently, so I don’t rule out that being the problem here either. It would just be good to gather more evidence first.
But in general, the detection zone seems like should be sufficient. If it were me though, I might consider removing the square at Column 6 from the left and 5 from the top. That is less than 1 square away from the road, and is my primary hypothesis. I would suspect the object bounding box is overlaying that square sometimes when a car drives by. That’s why I want to see a full event and see if that’s the case.
Thanks. I figured it was easier than trying to just eyeball a comparison, and I wanted to convince myself that the left edge of the green motion tagging box wasn’t encroaching on the “allowed” area for detection and that the view angle hadn’t shifted from motion tracking.
I like the idea of seeing a video capture, particularly since this has been an issue “since day one”.
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