Question: software beta testing is for the app only or also includes firmware?
It includes firmware. For example, person detection was tested in beta and required by app and firmware updates to test it.
I don’t do social media, but would love to Alpha/Beta HW as opposed to just SW. Any chance to create a private forum dedicated to testers, so I can be apart of HW testing & we can just login here?
It includes firmware - and can be frustrating but definitely worth while!
The part about a private forum would have to be moved up the line… I’m going to tag our moderator, @Loki, and see what he says about it
We actually tried that and it was a bit of a flop in a major way. We’re looking at that as a solution in the future but changes would need to be made first.
Ok. Then, instead of a private “Forum,” make it a “Messenger.” Go old school. Then, it also doesn’t have to be private. You invite who you want in the chat room. Live chat, like AIM, ICQ, etc.
When you say old school you meant it, spent a lot of time on those in my youth.
I greatly dislike doing social media also, but I’ve found that to keep up with developments and ideas in the Wyze field I need to frequent a few forums on facebook and reddit.
Just the volume of V2 mounting ideas and tricks make it worthwhile.
I agree, but that’s only because everything is scattered. The internet is a mess. Using a messenger, like BBM, would allow everyone to be online at all times & talk back & forth. Like a conference call that’s always on. I’m only in my 30s & I’m already tired of typing. I was just throwing out my 2 cents. Goodnight
From now on, all official business will be conducted via CUSeeMe
I used pow wow back in the day for chat, it even worked over crappy dialup. I remember getting a 56k modem but rarely ever getting over 28k - complained to telco and they eventually came out and upgraded the local controller box. Newsgroups were popular for tech support too. Looking back sure makes it seem like we were in the dark ages.
How do I qualify?
@lmoriconi4 You can apply for a Beta tester here:
Beta Tester Form
@UserCustomerGwen Can you give an update to the ‘moving away from Facebook’ motion? I dug around to find my login for Facebook to get involved, but I hate Facebook… I have used both Slack and Mattermost with good results for other projects.
I am involved with three other beta’s (Android Auto, Waze and Logitech) that all use … you could look at them for beta communities…
We’re you registered on centercode before the betas started?
Also are you doing hardware testing or software? (If you can answer.)
For my submission to the hardware testing form I put “will make a facebook to talk to Wyze only” lol. I hate facebook too.
On the forum for hardware testing I put “will make a facebook if I qualify”. Will my submission to join be disqualified for having a facebook right now?
I could resubmit and make a facebook, but it would only be for Wyze stuff, because I really dislike facebook lol.
I’m on centercodebeta for a few systems as well. Simple to use forum.