MOD EDIT: Hardware testing is now done through Centercode!
MOD EDIT: Not making promises but we are trying a pilot for a beta platform. If this doesn’t work, we’ll go back to the drawing board. But we’re feeling optimistic.
Presently the outdoor camera and perhaps future products require facebook.
This is a non-starter for many.
Facebook is a nonstarter for me as well, and increasingly for others. I understand the attraction for a manufacturer, all of the infrastructure is in place, world wide. But Facebook has repeatedly violated their trust with their users and they do things like require you to opt out of things rather than opt in.
The “price” you pay to use a “free” platform is just too high.
I too got off of Facebook years ago. One of the draws of Wyze’s products is a sense of more control over my privacy, and I think it would go a long way with the community to remove the dependency on Facebook for beta testing. That said, being a beta tester is a privilege, not a right, and I get that there are real benefits to Wyze to use a ubiquitous platform to manage parts of this program. However, the better option is really to forego a requirement on having a Facebook account.
I can also be included in the ‘no Facebook requirement.’ Years ago I was told “you really need a life if you wish to use Facebook,” In keeping with that- why would I want to waste 1/2 of that life looking at for example; other people’s lives vacation photos? Time is a precious commodity.
You know you don’t have to do facebook to have a facebook account. I hardly touch mine and post mainly of GAB when I feel the need. But a new feature I do seem to spend time on daliy is the FB Marketplace. It’s like craigslist but with more stuff.
Just not interested in joining Facebook in any form. No desire to give them my name and number. I’ve made it 40 yrs without it and won’t sign up just for a testing program. Thanks for the suggestions though .
FWIW, I opened an account probably 10 years ago, but I have never used it. I mean never. No pictures, no bio, profile, timeline, and not public. The threshold is pretty low. I think any account you provide will probably work. That said, I think FB is evil and see no value in the linkage.
Literally the 1st page after clicking sign up. I suppose legacy user didn’t have to give Facebook your name, email address, or phone number but they required all now. They send SMS to verify phone number now. I suppose I could give fake info but it would be hard to activate the account. Then explain to Wyze why I’m using one name with them and another with Facebook.
I will have to forgo joining these programs at this time but in the end it’s my choice. It’s just something I’d like to see change, Facebook as a requirement to participate.