how to access the cloud?
The items that are in the cloud are the items you can find under the tab labeled Events at the bottom of the app.
what if there’s something wrong with my sd card. would i be able to access the stored videos in the cloud.
and how do I access the cloud?
thanks for the help!
Like Jason stated, the event videos (the “cloud”) are viewable in the events tab off the home page. The SD card (local storage) is completely Independant from the cloud saved videos. You can have one, both or neither, your choice.
More info can be found on the support pages.
What is wrong with your sd card?
thank you for the clarification.
thank you for asking on my sd card. the camera folder that i wanted to open to view the 2 individuals just kept on loading and i couldn’t open it. is there other way to open it?
Did you take the card out and put it into a computer and get that problem when trying to view the files?
Can you view the SD card (local storage) footage via the app in playback (live view a camera and click the playabck button at the bottom)?
and no.
I guess i have the wrong sd card that’s why i just ordered a new sd card from
thanks a lot for your help. really appreciate!
Then what method are you using to view the video?
the correct answer to first question is yes. sorry for the typo error.