How can i get a cloud video when my memory card has a glitch?

I tried to play back a video but it has a nasty glitch. Where do I go online to view the video in the cloud? I want to use my computer to go on the cloud. Is it possible?

You will only get videos online (via the app) if you have a subscription to CamPlus or CamPlus lite. The videos will be available in the Events tab of the app.

I think you might be able to view those recording with the online, web access portal, but I don’t use it.

If you have a Cam Plus Subscription, you can view your Event Videos from the past 14 days at Live stream - Wyze

However, you cannot download them, only view them.

Were you trying to View an Event Video or Playback an SD Card Video?

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I’m online on the computer can someone please give me instructions how to find the cloud recordings. I do pay a monthly fee for something!

From the top of the Wyze Web View page, click on “Events”.


Also need to make sure your cameras have the cloud event recording enabled. If you see events in the event tab when using the app, you should be able to see those in the web view.