I have a plug subscription. It is for one year.
As I read the video is kept on WYZE cloud server.
How do I access the cloud to look at the save videos from my camera that I subscribed too?
On the cell phone I see live feed however I need to look at the material that is on the cloud.
If you can help me out!
Thanks !!
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Typo should be plus subscription.
Asking for url to my stored video for the one camera I have as a plus subscription.
Those are stored in the events tab.
You should also check the Services settings to be sure that the CamPlus subscription is applied to your camera.
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As @towelkingdom mentioned the videos can be found under the events section in the Wyze app.
You can view different day’s recordings by taping on the day at the top of the events section. You can swipe left and right along the days (at the top) to view more days. You can also use the person button to filter only the recordings with a detected person(Cam Plus required).
Events can only be viewed in the Wyze app. There is no computer program or URL.
To download your video, tap the down arrow icon

As a side note, a Cam Plus subscription isn’t required for the camera to record cloud event videos. The videos will be limited to 12 seconds and will have a 5 minute gap between recordings without the subscription.
Thanks for the postings.
Strait forward - and most helpful knowing the event is located on the device.