I’m not sure this is under the proper category since its about multiple deveces, so please move it if necessary.
I’m wondering how much my WIFI is bogged down using these products. I have 8 cameras, 10 plugs, thermostat, lock, and doorbell.
The reason I’m asking is because my 2 laptops on the same wifi are extremely slow with internet access. Non internet they are speedy. I do a speed test on them and its like 24mps if I do it on my wired desktop I get 234mps. ( yes I know I would get that on the wifi) - My router/Modem is all new in the last yearish. So I’m wondering if the speed issue is caused my these products or if I should look for other problems.
Depends massively on what you are doing. Yes, the cameras are rather chatty, but most of it is fairly low bandwidth - EXCEPT when sending video. When the cameras are sending video to the Wyze servers, or to a phone that is watching one or more cameras it increases quite a bit.
From your description, it sounds like your internet speed is OK (although you did not mention your uplink speed - which is far more important in this application), but your WiFi is really limited. You say that the WiFi is fairly new, but there may be settings that substantially affects it’s operation. If set up properly, anything fairly new should be performing better than that. If the Wyze cameras are off, what kind of speeds to the internet are the laptops getting?
As a comparison, last time I checked, my laptop on my WiFi with about 30 Wyze cameras (all streaming via RTSP), was getting something on the high side of 500 Megabit / second up and down on an internet speed test.
Yea, generally on a decent wifi AP theres usually only about 50-20% drop in network speed compared to ethernet, so 240 to 24 seems pretty bad… Do you have a large house, is the speeds better closer to the AP? Also, it could be interference, how many other networks do you see when connecting, is there like 20 or like 3. As K6CCC said, they only really hog network during streaming or when events are being uploaded, but the rest of the time its fine. Whats your upload speed, thats what really matters for cams.
500mbps, seriously? UP and down… are you a business or something? fiber straight from the pole to your place? because i find that hard to believe… remember you lose between 20-50% of wifi on 2.4ghz (numbers differ for 5&6ghz)
802.11a/b maxes out at 20mbps. in theory 802.11n is 600mbps compared to 100mbps ethernet, but Ethernet often out-performs N, because of packet loss of wifi. so 500 U and D doesnt seem realistic especially if you have 30 camera’s on it, all those cameras being 2.4ghz.
Heres something i put together that shows theoretical and actual:
Why would he keep his laptop on the same 2.4 Ghz segment as the cameras? My home network is fairly basic but I still get over 100 Mbps up and down over 802.11n on 5 Ghz. With a .ac router and a higher Internet plan I doubt there’d be a problem hitting 500 Mbps.
Anyway, each camera uses about 1 Mbps when streaming in HD, so the 9 camera devices the OP has should use maybe 10 to 15 Mbps at most, assuming they are all streaming live to a remote viewer. The other devices use much less. So the effect on his or her network should be negligible.
One thing to do is keep the laptops and TV streamers on a separate 5 Ghz network if possible.
Yes - seriously. After years of waiting I did get fiber to the house last year. I really do get at least 950Mb/s up and down to my router. My primary desktop (through the router and a couple switches) normally gets 750 - 850 Mb/s. As for WiFi, I am using Meraki Enterprise grade access points that have Gigabit Ethernet connections. Normally all the various phones and laptop (when on) are connecting on 5 GHz, so they are not competing for bandwidth with the cameras on 2.4 GHz. Depending on which device, the phones and laptops do get 300 - 500+ Mb/s consistently. For example, my old Android does not do as well as my work issued @#$%^ iPhone, and neither of my phones does as well as the personal laptop (but it does better than my old work laptop).
There are four access point. One normally only has two or three devices connected, and the other three APs roughly split the remaining devices. I just looked, and the three other APs are carrying 13, 14, and 15 devices (and I’m not at home so my two phones, the two cameras normally in the truck, and the GPS in the truck are not connected). On 2.4 GHz, at this time, there are 25 Wyze cameras, four Wyze Outdoor power switches, and four other power switches. All of the cameras are on CamPlus. Some of those have a lot of events, and some have almost none. Everything else is on 5 GHz.
Yup 100%. It is a few years old ( no where near 14 though) and I have checked and rechecked. It’s not in HP specs or the specs on the card itself… damn cheap HP.
Certainly true. And it’s not all that expensive either. When Frontier built the fiber in my area last summer, I had a choice of 500 Mb/s or 1 Gb/s. The Gig was a little more expensive of course, but not that much more. I have to admit, it is nice - especially for the upload speed.
In fact AT&T around here is advertising 5GB fiber to the house. I’m not in an AT&T served area.
It’s all relative. I still remember when I upgraded my dial up BBS to 9600 baud. That was blazing fast! That was late 1980s.
Let’s see if there are old folks here. Remember when there were several non-compatible standards for 9600 baud? My US Robotics modem was one of standards, but not what ultimately won out…