How do I stop sound notifications?

I have the v2 doorbell. I live in the city and I get a constant barrage of “sound detected” notifications. I’ve turned the sensitivity down to 1 but they keep coming.

Do you want to stop sound notifications or do you want to stop sound events from being recorded? If you want to disable sound detection and recording of events, click the gear in the upper right, then select event recording. There you will see detect sound toggle, uncheck it.


I’d like to just stop the notifications but stopping the events completely seems to be the only way


I have the same problem. I’ve turned the sound sensitivity to one and deselected all of the smart sound “notify.” I want to be able to record sound events without the noise notifications spam.

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I get 3 notifications for every single car that drives by.

I cant stand it.

I want sound events recorded but I DO NOT want a notification

Three sound notifications? Or what types of notifications?

What are your event recording and sound notification settings set to? This is for the doorbell v2 right?

This is what works for me.

From the main Wyze app screen, tap the Doorbell > tap :gear: Settings (upper-right corner) > tap Notifications > make sure the Notifications toggle is on to enable the next line > tap Manage to the right of Events. This is the screen I see and how I have it set:

I’m using the Video Doorbell v2 with continuous microSD recording and without a subscription, and I’m getting both generic motion and generic sound events (I have Sound Detection Sensitivity set to 1) tagged in my timeline, but I receive notifications on my (Android) phone only for motion and doorbell presses.

Is that the kind of experience you’re seeking, @Randonium8?

yes,very annoying!

not for doorbell,just cameras in general,there must be a way around this?

If you want no sound but a notification, you just set your OS settings to silent. If you want no notifications at all, there are several ways in the wyze app to disable them.

@Crease - Interestingly, in my Android version of the app under Manage, I do not have the ‘other motion’ options for either Smart Motion or Smart Sound categories. At the top I have person, friendly faces and pets listed under Smart Motion where you do not show them on your screen capture. Although it should not make a difference, I’m running the Google One UI Android OS. Probably because I have Cam Plus Unlimited subscription.

I don’t even see the “Smart” option unless I navigate to :gear: Settings ➜ Event Recording ➜ Smart Detection Events, but if I do that, then I’m prompted to Get Cam Plus, because I’m operating without a subscription.

This is because I scrolled down (swiped up from the bottom) to show the Other Motion checked :white_check_mark: under NOTIFY and Other Sounds unchecked :white_large_square: under NOTIFY. I wanted to illustrate my settings for having sound and motion events tagged in my continuous microSD recording timeline but receiving notifications only for motion (and doorbell button presses) with these settings, so I chose that part of this settings screen to be visible, because the items in the top part (which would normally show Person, Friendly Faces, Pet, etc.) are disabled without a subscription.

I think that’s the answer.

@Crease - For me there is a duplication in the app and navigation takes you to the same screen:

Settings > Event Recording > Recording Preferences > Customize Recordings >

Settings > Notifications > Device Notifications > Events > Manage - (which takes you to the Customize Recordings page)

The 2nd navigation is where you get the notice for cam plus because you can’t toggle on Notifications if I got it correctly?

No reply necessary. Appreciate your responses.

That’s been my experience, as well: Both paths lead to the Customize Detections screen.

In my experience, it doesn’t matter how I get there because it’s the same screen. Whether I get there through the first or second navigation path, if I tap on something that’s disabled (because I have no subscription), then the app prompts me to subscribe.

You seemed to ask a direct question, and I think that deserves the courtesy of a response. :upside_down_face:

@Crease - I’m gradually learning about who I am communicating with in the forum. You speak the language of my era or generation if you prefer. Aged like a great whiskey/whisky. Or as someone would say, “we’ve circled the block a few times”. :joy:

I don’t know what that means, but I’ll take this as a compliment:

Maybe I’ll have to have a sip later. :tumbler_glass::wink:

Thank you for your kind words.

I’ve been having the same issue as mentioned above.
I want to initiate recordings on all Sound events, but I don’t want to be notified for every sound.

I’ve turned off all notifications for smart sounds, but that hasn’t helped, I still get the generic sound notifications regularly.

However after reading all of the posts above, I noticed that the screenshots from @Crease had an“other sounds” event (which I had never noticed/seen on my apps notification/recording screen).

That made me curious to go into my app & try to figure out why I’m not seeing “Other Sounds”.

I ended up going to
Doorbell > Settings > Event Recordings…
I always had “Smart Detection Events” selected (which doesn’t give the “Other Sounds” event in the “Customize Detections” screen.

I toggled my Recording Preferences to “All Events” (from “Smart Detection Events”) & then clicked on “Customize Detections” & now the “Other Sounds” event appears & I can choose to record “Other Sounds” but I disabled notifications for “Other Sounds”.
See screenshots below…

I just made the switch a few moments ago, so I haven’t been able to test it, but I’m hopeful that toggling off the “Other Sounds” notification will do the trick (continue recording all sounds without sending notifications).

If I notice that I don’t receive any Sound Event Notifications in the next 24 hours, I’ll try to come back here & confirm if it works (or not).

For reference: I am a Cam Plus subscriber with 24 Hour SD card recording. iPhone user.

Toggling off “other sounds” is what you want.

The confusing thing is if you are a subscriber and select smart events only, you end up with two different screens, and one of them hides this selection.

The way you have it now, it will still record events for “other sounds” but won’t notify you. That’s not what most people want, but it sounds like it is what you want, so you’re all set.

If you want to disable recording for other events/other sounds (tag) then there is a different way to do that, which is more roundabout and confusing, but sounds like you want them recorded and just not notifying, so the way you’re doing it now is correct.

I think what you’re describing is the apparent resolution in a related topic: