Home Monitoring Hub Requested Features Turn Off Sounds

I would like the option to turn OFF sounds from the Wyze Home Monitoring base station hub, not simply just Low.

Also, can a feature be added for voice prompts? (With independent volume control from other sounds) like “Front Door Open.”

Lastly, the countdown sounds are somewhat harsh. Could the sound itself be tweaked or a few options added to choose from?

Many thanks for this great new product!

Mod Note: Title Edited to Enhance Search Clarity.

Home monitoring hub makes sound when changing modes. The only problem occurs when we change the mode from disarm to home. That’s when I go to bed after all family members are already asleep. Since no one will cross house boundary anymore and I want to protect my family during the night, I decided to put the security into home mode only when I go to bed.
The only problem is that it makes sudden sound when changing modes. It bothers all asleep family at night. I wish we have an option to mute the notification sound from hub when changing modes.

Setting your entry delay to 0 on home mode will result in only the hub saying “armed”, no dinging or harsh sounds…at least somewhat of a fix

I would like to be able to disable sounds, especially for the announcement the hub makes while on the battery. I live in a rural area and power outages are common and can last for days. I plan to attach the hub to a UPS but that won’t last for days and listening to the repeated message to plug-in the hub will drive me crazy. Another option would be some way to turn the hub completely off. This would be useful since during any power outage we are frequently without internet service as our ISP loses power to the transmission tower at the same time we lose power.

Silent mode option for Volume level on Sense Hub PLEASE!

Currently there is no option for volume to be “off” or “silent” on the volume controls for the Wyze Sense Hub settings. There is only low, mid, and high. PLEASE add an off toggle switch or silent mode option. It’s near my bed and annoying to hear! I have to hear it go off every time an entry sensor is opened or closed. I want to receive notifications on my phone or have cameras triggered, but I don’t want to hear them coming from the hub, whichever room I prey hub is in—I don’t want anyone, friend or family or foe hearing the hub. Plus, if there was an intruder, they’d be able to hear where the hub was and unplug it. This seems like a big oversight. Thank you for receiving this request. I love Wyze and am a longtime Wyze customer.


This post discusses the “tune” settings under HMS. You can turn them off.

Here’s another reason for it: I had a sense hub stolen during a break in at a vacant property. The siren drew the squatter straight to it. They grabbed the hub, a few cameras and ran.

The keypad has a a speaker which would be less fatal if taken or unplugged. I don’t want the hub announcing it’s presence and location. A silent option if keypads are installed should be added.

I have the same issue with my Wyze Hub making the ding every time a sensor opens. Can only adjust volume, not turn off the sound. I’m using the sensor hub only for reporting, I chose not to activate the home monitoring service.

Solution - disable the speaker in the hub. Gently pry open the 4 rubber feet on the bottom, use a small philips screwdriver to remove the screws inside, then use a small flat blade screwdriver to gently pry around the top lip of the hub in the middle of each side. The hub will pop open. The speaker is attached to the lid with a small cable and plug, simply unplug the cable from the board and click the lid back on. Silent hub. Of course you also lose the use of the siren, but at this time there’s no usable hub siren without the full HMS anyway.


I, for one, don’t want the speaker disabled. I want to be able to control volume and what sounds actually get played, without need for an HMS subscription.


Stand alone hub, mute option

The “stand alone” hub does have a three option volume but we should have a mute option. I have the hub in my room and chirp every time a door senseor is triggered. Please add mute button.


It has been over a year and Wyze has still not provided an extended Alarm for the HMS system
One idea I had was to simply move the up to the bedroom where it could be heard at night, but this idea was flawed

I have the system automatically arm at 11:30 as I am usually all tucked away by that time
I put the hub on silent, so it would not beep as it arms, but it STILL announces “ARMED AWAY” which wakes me up

a simple request make Silent Entry Exit Totally Silent

Im not sure how to make this a wish list item so Appealing to the forum for help

I’d like to be able to mute my system tones for the doors collectively instead of going into each sensor and turning tones off. Has anyone worked out a way to do this?

For example, if someone is asleep I don’t want me opening a door to wake them up when the alarm is set to disarmed or home


I just got my Wyze system. I’m amazed with it. It does exactly what I want but I was shocked by the loudness of the system sounds. The whole system is entirely too chatty. Why does all our tech need to ‘speak’ to us these days? Gone are the days of a gentle chime to be replace with what are basically klaxon sirens? Other’s have said it already: more control over the noise these devices create is needed.

I agree that the best solution is to add a mute option in the app. However, the instructions on how to disable the speaker are clear and easy to follow. It took only a couple minutes to disable the speaker. Hopefully this will be addressed in a future firmware update.

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