My handheld vacuum seems to have very low suction even when fully charged. By this I mean it regularly has trouble picking up crumbs from a hard surface, i.e. table top, granite countertop. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I have the same issue! The suction is terrible, definitely not impressed! I was expecting a lot more than what this has to offer! Battery life is terrible as well.
@CharlieATL and @pratliff87 When the Vacuum is running, press the power button once (don’t hold it). It will increaase the power. Pressing it a second time will put it back to a lower level.
Yeah I was using it at full power, just not enough suction for much of anything IMO.
The suction on mine, when set on high, works well. Wonder if something is going on with yours. Have you contacted Wyze to ask? If not the following is how you can contact Wyze Spport.
By phone: (206) 339-9646 Available Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT and Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT
Or online: 1
phone support is typically faster however this isn’t always true due to fluctuation in the amount of calls.
Sorry to hear this, any chance you pulled filters to make sure there are no obstructions and they are sealed properly?
Thank you, I am definitely going to reach out to them. I have several Wyze products and all have been as described, hopefully I just got a bad one.
I have checked and rechecked filters and connections but still don’t have much suction.
Im having the same issue. Doesn’t even pick up small crumbs very well which is a shame. Waiting since feb for this order was definitely not worth it
Thanks everyone for your reply, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one with this issue. The vacuum is a cool little device and definitely has a place in my home (along with the two WRVs I have and two Dysons…um, maybe I’ve got a personal issue to address!).
I’m going to do a few tests that I’ll take videos of and try to share those here. If anyone wants to replicate them and has better/different results, that would be helpful.
More later.
My handheld vacuum also has poor suction with a full charge and on full power. I’ve also tried taking it apart, checking the filter, but it didn’t help at all. I vacuum my car daily for small pieces of dirt and lint, its hardly anything at all since its a new car but this handheld vacuum struggles and gets really warm very quickly. Pretty disappointed since the advertised suction is the main reason I purchased it.