Greyed out Playback button on Wyze App

If you’re experiencing a playback issue on your Wyze Cam v3 and have tried various solutions without success, here’s a step-by-step guide to how I did to fix the issue.

Step 1: Format the microSD Card

  1. Visit the following link:
  2. Follow the instructions under “Format on a Windows Computer”. Avoid the (Recommended) instructions for this issue, it isn’t really formatting the microSD card I guess…

Step 2: Rollback to the Oldest Firmware and Upgrade to Latest Firmware

  1. Visit the following link:
  2. Follow the instructions to rollback to firmware version “ (April 25, 2022)”.
  • Note: This is when the playback button started working again.
  1. Once the rollback is complete, follow the same instructions to flash the latest firmware version “ (July 13, 2023)”.
  • Note: The playback button should still be working after the upgrade. It did for me.

That’s it! By manually formatting the microSD card and performing the firmware rollback and upgrade, you should be able to fix the playback issue on your Wyze Cam v3. Good luck!