Garbled and incomplete voice warnings

My vdbv2 and floodlight cam v2 suffer from garbled and/or incomplete voice warnings during person detection. Not every time but every 3rd or so announcement. Not an issue with other cams that have this feature. Any known remedies for this issue i.e., firmware upgrade or support intervention?

I don’t have a solution, but I’m bumping this to see if it will get attention and to ask follow-up questions.

I’m not exactly sure what you’re describing, but on Cam v4 if I navigate to :gear: Settings ➜ Detection Settings ➜ Motion Warning and toggle Motion Warning on, then I see options to trigger on All Motion or Person (but don’t subscribe to Cam Plus, so I can’t currently enable that second option) and can select a MOTION WARNING SOUND. Is that the kind of thing you’re talking about?

I don’t even own a Cam Floodlight v2, but I don’t see this option anywhere in the settings for Video Doorbell v2, which I do have. Is this a subscriber-only setting for Video Doorbell v2?

Thank you for the response. For the VDB.v2, it is a camera setting and under Detection Settings > Motion Warning, the same as Cam v4, but you don’t have to toggle it on. When you tap on it the selection choices are “None”, “Wyze Tone” and “You are being recorded”. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that these are hidden and only activated for cam+ subscribers. Floodlight has garbled and incomplete (cut-off) warnings and 1 of 2 doorbells has garbled warning every 2nd or 3rd announcement. Very annoying. Cam v4 works good every time.

To me, that sounds like power issue, to be more precise voltage drop. I’ve had the same issue with my V4 as I had it on a long USB cord originally. Shortening the distance of the power cord fixed the problem.

If only that was the problem. Doorbells connected to same 24/40 transformer on a dedicated 15 amp breaker and the floodlight is mounted and powered on a singular junction box. I believe the problem is with the chip in the camera and poor quality control with the embedded announcement. I selected 1 time per event rather than continuous and event detections frequently happen multiple times in succession.

I’m not seeing that. This is what I see on the Detection Settings screen for my Video Doorbell v2:

It’s not the same as the Cam v4 options, where I do see Motion Warning:

I really can’t say, because I’m not a Cam Plus subscriber, but I’m definitely not seeing it anywhere in the Video Doorbell v2’s settings. I should mention that my doorbell’s firmware is current, but I’m still using the v3.1.5 app (Android).

I still don’t know what’s causing the issue you described, but I’m glad it’s getting more attention! :upside_down_face:

Interesting. For me on both vdb.v2’s, it is the next option under Motion Tagging as opposed to above on the v4. [Conclusion: must be only available as a cam+ subscriber feature.]


I kind of wondered that, because you mentioned…

…in your initial post, and I see that as an option on Cam v4 but can’t enable it as a non-subscriber.

:pencil2: Edit: Now I think that’s actually the answer (at least to that question), because I was creating a Schedule-type Automation for my doorbell and saw this when going to select an Action:

That shield indicates (to me, anyway) that the Motion Warning feature is a subscriber-only option, and if it’s that way here in Actions, then it’s probably the same in Settings, and that’s likely why I’m not seeing it.

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