Is there a way to set floodlight V2 so the lights don’t come on during the daylight hours?
Even better if you can set to only come on when a certain darkness happens (night, overcast, evil cascading over the land, etc.)
I set up a rule to turn the lights off at 10am but that didn’t seem to work.
@Zamboknee - This is interesting since my FLv2 lights don’t come on during the day. Did you in the floodlight do:
Floodlight Settings > Motion > Schedule
and specify length of time for lights to be on and a from/to window of time? You may have to tweak other settings also.
Oh. Didn’t even see that setting. I have adjusted it and will report back.
Thank you!
@Zamboknee - Click on lights off timer and schedule, if you haven’t already, and you can fine tune them.