Floodlight Pro and power outage issue

So I’ve notice and issue with both my Floodlight Pro’s. When there is a power outage at my house the FLP never goes back online when power is restore. Checked my router and it shows both the FLP are connected to wifi and my internet is working. Only way to get them back online is to do a power cycle on the FLP.

The issue I think is when my homes power is restored, My router and fiber box needs some time to boot up. So when the FLP powers on, its still searching for wifi which is not available yet because the router and modem is still booting up. Than when Wifi is available the FLP connects, but nevers goes online.

I don’t have this issue with any of my other Wyze cams and only on the FLP. I can pretty much replicate this issue every time by flipping my breakers to turn off the main power. Man this is a deal break because a “Pro” requires too much hassle to work

They should come back online. I had turned off the switch several times to reboot, that’s equivalent to power outage. They always come back online, unless this is a new bug.

But is your router on the same switch too? If my router is already on and internet is working, flipping the switch for the floodlight pro doesn’t have any issues. The issue happens if the wifi is not available when the floodlight pro is rebooted. Maybe its just a glitch with the firmware on the FLP

My router is on UPS and survives short power outages. But even if my router reboots, the flood pro reconnects by itself. I have tested this before.

To all,

Just a cautionary thought.

A few months ago there was an issue with the PS v3’s and doorbell v2’s. The cams would not “reliably” recover from a power outage/loss of internet. In my case it would fail 50% of the time. I had to reset the doorbell so many times the friction lock wore out.

Wyze first fixed the PS V3, followed shortly by the doorbell v2. Both fixes were effective. In the past 60 days I have not had any further failures, and we have had multiple power/internet outages. What is interesting, and ties in with @T0ny thoughts, is it does take time for the network to settle down. In my case I give it 5 minutes. What I, and others have noted, is it can take 5-20 minutes for the doorbell v2 to recover. But it does recover.

I do not have a Floodlight Pro so I cannot test anything. If a forum member can duplicate what @T0ny has done–disconnect the internet, wait a few minutes, then reconnect the internet, then time how long it takes for the cam to recover.

If is it duplicated then i would suggest the floodlight pro is suffering the same as the PS V3 and doorbell v2. At that time logs and support may be appropriate.

If it cannot be duplicated then I’ll reset my thinking.

As I said “A cautionary thought”