Floodlight as separate device from camera

I bought the original Cam Floodlight. My biggest disappointment with it is that you can only control the floodlight from the camera page on the Wyze app and not as its own device.

For example, I wish aim could control the light from my Google Home app or mynGoogle Assistant devices or set it up as part of a group of outdoor lights to control together.

My question is whether this has changed at all with then floodlight v2 or the floodlight pro? Or if those too can only be controlled from the camera settings in the Wyze

No, still the same basic setup, only the resolution has improved and the computing power is up.

I don’t have this product, but I wonder if it’s possible to control the light (toggle on or off) with an Action in Automations (formerly Rules). If so, then you could potentially just create Shortcuts for Floodlight On and Floodlight Off and put those on your Favorites tab. That might be one way to work around drilling down into the camera settings just to turn a light on or off.

If you can do that, and if you have a spare Wyze Plug lying around, then you could also use the Plug as an intermediary device in a Device & Service Triggers type Automation in the Wyze app so that whenever you use Google Home/Assistant to turn on the Plug, then your Floodlight also turns on.

I just did that. It works, too. :grin:

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Excellent! I wasn’t sure if that was going to be the case with the original Cam Floodlight (v1), but someone recently asked me for help with Automations on a Cam Floodlight Pro and indicated that the light itself can be toggled via Automations, so I figured that might also be an action for other Cam Floodlight models, but I don’t have any, so I wasn’t sure and had to ask. :grin:

Thanks for letting me know that it works! :+1:

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