Fix-It Friday 10/6/2023

What’s going on with the Pan Cam V3s not reconnecting to networks? They are completely unreliable and once they disconnect for whatever reason they never attempt to connect again until power cycled. Every single Wyze camera I have is fine except for the two Pam V3s. I’ve waited literally days to see if they’d reconnect. It’s not a networking or signal strength issue - one camera is literally three feet from the router. Multiple people are experiencing this issue and we would love a response other than the typical “reset your router”. The tech savvy amongst us have already gone through your standard “network issues, power issues, signal issues” steps.

Related threads (there are more):

Edit: Some info to clarify, but there’s plenty in the linked threads:

  1. Standard Wyze Cams V1 & V3 work fine
  2. On same network, Pan V3s drop connection (which isn’t a huge problem itself, except…)
  3. Once disconnected, they NEVER reconnect - even after days
  4. Power cycling immediately causes them to reestablish network connection
  5. Applicable to cameras whether they are a few feet from router or across the house; distance irrelevant
  6. Router settings irrelevant; network type, factory reset, security type, wifi protocol, signal strength, network interference, conflicting devices - all of these have been checked, rechecked, and debunked

If I were a developer here, I would be checking the current firmware - specifically the portion responsible for re-establishing a network connection when lost - and trying to determine why it isn’t actually doing so. Perhaps compare it to how a network connection is established at boot to find discrepancies.

These cameras were installed in my grandmother’s house so we can keep track of her in case she falls or otherwise gets hurt. I can’t have them offline every other day until I call her and tell her to unplug them and then plug back in.