Few Duo Cam Doorbell questions please

Hey guys, I just replaced my video doorbwll Pro with the Duo Cam. Works great so far. I have a few questions for now please.

  1. After wiring it to the purchased transformer, I am seeing this prompt, the chime is working fine so what should I do here?

  1. Is it possible to remove all of that stuff showing under the bottom pic in Monitoring view since it’s taking up half of my phone’s screen?

  1. I am not noticing an option to be notified ONLY whenever the doorbell is pressed like the way it was with the doorbell pro? With that notification in ON position, everytime there is movement outside, My phone makes the audible noise,

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What did you set for chime in the doorbell settings? In-built house, wifi, camera or neither? Did you use the jump wire in the chime box since you are not using the dbv2 controller?

For doorbell press, click the icon on the db home screen that looks like a funnel (bottom right) and scroll down to bottom. If that doesn’t work for you, set up an automation for notification on doorbell press. That audible noise is an indication you have not wired chime correctly per Wyze intended specifications.

Not certain on #2 since I don’t use it. I have some cams assigned to the monitoring but never look at it. I prefer the group favorites.

Caveat: I am on Android, use In-built mechanical house chimes with dbv2 controllers front and rear from previous v2 install replaced with duo.

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Thanks. Some of this stuff is very confusing so please bear with me.

I don’t have anything set in ‘Cameras as Chimes’. In ‘Wyze Wifi Chime’ I have set the volume accordingly. In ‘My built-in house chime’ under ‘My House Chime’ the option NONE is highlighted. But I have no issues with the doorbell chime which is plugged into an AC outlet whenever the doorbell is pressed.

I just called Support, they said I can simply check the ‘Don’t ask again’ option if the error shows again but it has stopped now for whatever reason.

Also, no way to remove all of the stuff showing under the 2 cams in Monitoring screen. I will address the ‘Group favorites’ after these 2 issues now.

I had seen somewhere that the SD card, when full will ‘automatically’ rewrite itself and start recording all over again every time but Support said I will need to ‘manually’ format the card everytime it gets full, can you or anyone else confirm this for me please?

Next issue, with my Vdeo Doorbell Pro, I had the option to be notifed only when the doorbell is pressed but with the duo cam that option is not there. Since receiving notifications all day long whenever there is motion is so annoying, how do you guys manage this please?

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You don’t need to format a sdcard once full. Overwriting is automatic. I have never reformatted a card unless for some unknown reason it stopped recording or the cam indicated it was no longer recognized. Maybe once or twice in 5 yrs with Wyze.

I had an automation setup for doorbell press notifications, but have since activated notifications in Alexa which produces a phone alert and voice alert on an echo speaker.

This was the automation which is now disabled:

If not familiar with creating automations, the steps can be posted via screenshots.

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Thank you. I had asked the Support to pass along my request for doobell press notification to their Team but who knows if they will ever include it,

So, if you wouldn’t mind showing me via screenshots how I can do this, it would be very much appreciated. For clarify, the only notification I want is to be notified on my phone whenever the doorbell is pressed and also [if should be possible] if someone is standing in front of the door.

Because whenever I am out back I won’t hear the doorbell and sometimes people will knock on the door instead of pressing the doorbell.

Thing is, if I check the ‘Person’ notification, this will pickup everyone who is walking by on the sidewalk.

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Do you have Cam Plus or Cam Unlimited? Person detection requires it. Doorbell press will take a few minutes to markup the screenshots.

I have cam plus

Not sure what you want to acheive for person detection. You should be getting notifications on your phone. The only other option would be an automation to activate the spotlight on a cam if you have one outside in view.

Here are the screenshots for doorbell press automation. BTW what doorbell is this for? Is it the pro? Hope you have all the automation options. A name is optional for the automation, it will take the name of the doorbell cam. GOOD LUCK!!

Had to edit and reinsert a screenshot. A couple transactions can be done at the same time on a single screen.

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Sorry, I forgot you identified db duo which puts us on the same page since my db’s are duos. Are you in the Amazon Alexa “smart ecosystem”?

Thanks, i am hoping I have done this accurately, can you confirm please?

You set “All Devices” for notification. You don’t have a specific device? That should be set to the doorbell that’s getting the doorbell button pressed. The 'IF" and the “DO” should be the same device/doorbell.
Make sure you activate (Account > Notifications > In-App or Push or Text) whatever your preference.

@fonzhende1 - Apologies, just noticed the screenshot I sent did not have a device selected which caused the All Devices in the DO action. Should have been the doorbell triggering the notification.

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I don’t have a Duo Cam Doorbell (still rockin’ my Video Doorbell v2), but I’m puzzled by the idea of an Automation that uses a doorbell button press to enable notifications for that doorbell. Is there some other process that turns these notifications off at some point? I’m trying to understand why this would be necessary. What am I missing? :confused:


What I found that made me enable the Alexa notifications was inconsistency with the Wyze notifications. There are options for push and voip notices under Account > Notifications:

If I have this correct now, please see first screenshot

I am not seeing the ‘Universal Actions’ option under DO to setup the Push notifications as per your screenshot, so how can I get to this step please, do I have to ‘Create a new automation’ for this step?

Ignore that. When you select the “DO” that is the action you select. Remember to do the second set of screenshots I sent this a.m.

Run test to confirm the automation is working. The doorbell sets off my 2 :dog2:. :rofl:

If I understand your objective, you want to get notification when not in hearing range of the doorbell chime? Correct?

You mean the ‘Push Notifications’ screenshots and instructions?

Yes, to be alerted on my phone whenever the doorbell is pressed for whenever I should be out of hearing range. Mainly for when outside in the backyard or in my garage when hanging out. Thanks.

Looks like you’re good to go if you saved it. Do a couple trial runs and hopefully it’s successful. Not sure if you need any adjustments in settings to receive mobile alerts/notifications as I am on android. Permissions for the Wyze app maybe?

You could also turn on the VOIP feature in Push and get a phone call for the notification. Kind of a handy feature that can also be scheduled.

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Ok so what I am now getting is a wyze notification on my iphone when the doorbell is pressed showing “someone is calling you”, can you confirm if this is what’s supposed to be happening please?

Did you turn on voip under push? I think that’s the message for a voip notification. I can’t say for certain since I don’t use it and ios might be different from android. What about the notification from the automation?

Looks like voip, if you activated it, supercedes the push from the automation. If activated, turn it off and do a doorbell push to see if the notification comes thru on your phone from the automation. It appears that you may have acheived at least some of what you desired.