Wyze Wireless Duo Cam Chime wiring instructions

Hi everyone,

Just recently purchased a Wyze Wireless Duo Cam and installed it. As i did not have time at that moment, i skipped over the chime wiring instructions and just setup the doorbell with the wiring that went into our home bell. I now have time but am unable to find the instructions for what to do if its a 2 wire chime or a 3 wire chime or a 4 wire chime. Is there a link for those instructions that show up when initially setting up the doorbell? Note, this chime is for the house and not the chime box that comes with some wyze wireless cams or is sold separately.

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Welcome to the Forum, @prabhdeepsingh106! :wave:

You can find lots of documentation in the Help Center by visiting the section for Duo Cam Doorbell. If you want to see the in-app walkthrough, then you could always delete the device from the app and/or reset the device and go back through the “add” process again, but I don’t think that should be necessary.

If you’re trying to do a wired (low-voltage-AC-powered) installation and have it ring your home’s built-in chime, then it might be worth taking a look at the Installation Guide for Video Doorbell v2, because the installation documentation for Duo Cam Doorbell seems less complete, as Wyze apparently anticipated that most users wouldn’t want to wire it to use a built-in chime.

And, of course, you can also ask questions here! This is primarily a user-to-user support community, and there’s a lot of helpful knowledge you can tap into. For starters, it’d be good to know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish (i.e., are you trying to wire in your Duo Cam Doorbell and have it ring your home’s built-in chime?), and pictures (of your chime type, for example) can also be useful to others who want to provide assistance.


Hi Crease,

Thank you for your response. Yes, i am trying to wire in my Duo Cam doorbell and have it ring my home’s build in chime. Once i wired it the duo doorbell to the wires where my older doorbell was, i pressed the button and it did ring inside. But even when i just approached the duo doorbell and didn’t ring the bell, the chime inside my house still went off a couple a times. So i just wanted to see if i can change some settings to make it properly or how to shut off the in built chime if i do end up going that route.

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Yeah, that’s a problem that’s been described elsewhere in the Forum, especially from users who have wired in a Duo Cam Doorbell without using the Chime Controller. Note:

Though using your in-house chime is an option (requires a Wyze Chime Controller), using Wyze Wi-Fi Chime with Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell is recommended.

At this point, you have at least three options:

  1. Leave things the way they are and deal with the phantom rings.
  2. Go into your chime box and bypass it to take it out of the loop and rely on the Wi-Fi Chime for your doorbell’s chime sound. Wyze includes a jump wire with Duo Cam Doorbell for bypassing the chime, but you can also just remove the wires from the FRONT and TRANS terminals (if you’re using a standard mechanical chime) and connect those with a wire nut.
  3. Obtain and install the Chime Controller, which recently became available as a separate accessory. If you do that, then you’ll want to follow the instructions from the Video Doorbell v2 section for installing it, because Wyze hasn’t included those in the Duo Cam Doorbell section of the Help Center.

You can also take a look at this troubleshooting article for Video Doorbell v2 to see if anything in there might help. Specifically, if you currently have a mechanical chime selected in the app’s settings for your Duo Cam Doorbell, then you can try selecting a digital chime type and playing with the ring tone length, but I think your best answer—if you want to use your home’s built-in chime—is probably going to be getting the Chime Controller and wiring that into your chime box.

I’d also note that I’ve had good performance from my Video Doorbell v2 (which is wired only, no battery) and my home’s built-in mechanical chime, but I ran into some problems with it after having it installed for several months, and in my own troubleshooting I learned that the wires going into the box and connected to the FRONT and TRANS terminals were switched, so this thing had actually been wired incorrectly for years. Since I figured that out and corrected that situation, I haven’t had any problems getting my Video Doorbell v2 to to ring my home’s chime. You may not have that issue, but I imagine it’s not an uncommon situation, so it’s something I like to bring up when troubleshooting.

Lastly, I’d make sure that your transformer’s power output is what the Duo Cam Doorbell needs. It probably is, but solving power issues with these things often tends to be a big part of a performance solution.


Thank you so much Crease, i really appreciate your help and troubleshooting tips!


You’re welcome! I hope it really is helpful. I don’t have any direct experience with Duo Cam Doorbell, but I’ve done a lot with the wired Video Doorbell v2 and feel pretty comfortable troubleshooting that one, and I’m glad Wyze finally made the Chime Controller available again as a separate accessory. Feel free to let us know if you have other questions!

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