Favorites Widget Broken

In the latest app, when you try to create a favorite home screen widget, you can’t select the device for it if the favorite device is only held in a group. … Bug???


Closing the loop on this, wyze support advises [from support] there is simply no way to select a single device for the “favorite widget” unless the device is first made a favorite. [from support]

So, working as intended, Nevertheless, a gap in functionality and we would have to lobby for it to merit development.

There is another widget type that may solve the issue for other use cases.


With the new 3.x app, I earlier had difficulties with most of the widgets, gave up and forgot they were there.

I need to revisit the widgets.

I don’t use the app’s widgets for reasons I’ve stated elsewhere, but I appreciate your follow-up on this. I just tried something to see what would happen.

  1. :star: Added a camera from Devices to Favorites.
  2. Dropped a Favorite Device 3×3 widget on my home screen.
  3. Tapped Add a favorite! on the widget and selected the camera. Note that the screen where you make this selection says “Select a device” at the top. This is key.
  4. Saw that the home screen widget showed the camera I selected. :white_check_mark:
  5. Navigated back to the Wyze app and removed the device from Favorites.
  6. Went back to the home screen and saw that the selected device no longer appeared in the widget. :negative_squared_cross_mark:

This is a design failure for sure. If the screen where I select the device for the widget actually says (as in #3 above) “Select a device”, then as a user I expect to be able to select from any device I can see on the Devices tab in the app. Having this feature confined only to items present on the Favorites tab is just shortsighted and dumb.

I’ve already suggested in a current Wishlist topic that this is an area of the app that needs to be addressed in future development.


Yes, I had confirmed the behavior you described to Wyze support. The final response was as I mentioned. So the only change would come from the wishlist. I wouldn’t hold breath on it though since probably not many users use widgets.


I’d tend to agree, and I think at least part of the explanation is that the current state of Wyze widgetry sucks so hard is suboptimal. The optimistic part of me wants to believe that if Wyze built better widgets, then more customers would use them, but that may be wishful thinking.

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