Favorites screen not working

I am in the UK and the app was working ok this morning at 6am. At 6.30 suddenly, on the favorites screen, the feeds from my 12 V3s suddenly said failed to connect and there was no video feeds showing for any of the cameras. The button in the top corner of each screen was missing but there was a power button in the middle of each screen. Tapping on that just brought up the “failed to connect” message and the screen for each camera stayed blank.

Strangely, if I tap on the screen for any camera ( not on the on-of button) it takes me to the live screen for the camera and everything works correctly. Also, I get notifications for events and tapping the events tab shows the events.

It seems like the favorites screen has become disconnected from the individual camera screens.

I have force stopped the app, cleared the cache and restarted my phone and the problem still persists.

My phone is a Google Pixel 3 Pro running Android 15

Anyone else getting this?

EDIT: everything has just done back to normal. 30 minutes of my time wasted!

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I didn’t notice anything happening on my end.

Maybe a server burp?

Just one of those things that happens with no explanation I suppose.

Since the change from the old app this new one has a few annoyances but I just put up with them. I wish I could switch off the favorites screen completely.

I also found that I have to force-stop the app much more often in this V3 app just to get cameras to reconnect to Wi-Fi. The old versions were much better. Nothing has changed on my network - just an “upgrade” to the V3 app.

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Based on Downdetector reports, there was an outage for about 1.5hrs around the time you posted

(that’s in Mountain time I believe)

Is it working now?

Yes, it came back to normal after 30 minutes. Hopefully it will not reoccur.


You can, go into Account settings in your app and under App Settings in Camera Card Style select Condensed.

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Thanks, I’ve just tried what you said. It’s better but the favorites are still there - but at least they for better on a phone screen.

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I have all my cams on favorites but I have the Auto Play video turned off. I don’t need to see 14 streaming cams.

Thanks, I’ll try that.

It would be nice if Wyze would give us the option of choosing which screen the app showed on startup - i.e. Favorites or Devices.

The V3 app requires much more screen tapping to achieve the same result as the earlier versions.

When I open my app to the Home screen it shows favorites because I have it set that way. If I wanted the home page to show devices I would just tap the devices box, close the app and when it opens to the home page again it will show the device list.
I’m using the iOS app.

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Condensed is nice.

I only care about two cams but can easily dig deeper.

But I guess condensed is not live. Boo hoo.

I can do that on the Android app but only if I leave it running in the background but it means I have to leave it running all the time which uses more battery.

Back to regular.

I agree, and I think that’s been requested in more than one topic, but this is the Wishlist item that comes to mind:

I doubt Wyze will bother doing any changes

I understand that thought. They always seem to be changing things, though, even when the change is a new feature that breaks something else. In general, I see it as a trend toward improvement over time, even if all the features I want aren’t (yet) available.

Many of the changes are not particularly useful though and just seem to make the app more complicated.

I don’t disagree with that. Many of the changes I’ve seen are things I probably would not have chosen to prioritize. I just wanted to provide some counterpoint to your previous statement of doubt.