False alarm trigger from Wyze Cam 3

I have three cams, three door sensors and one motion sensor. The Wyze cam 3 points out my carport and is on a Plus subscription.

I have alarmed my system many times with no problems. Today at 9:38am the Wyze Cam 3 set off an alarm that triggered the system. Noonlight called me, did not reach me, then left a message for me that ‘the alarm did not meet the criteria for calling local police…alarm is disabled.’

As far as I can tell, the only trigger event was a van that passed by on the street at 9:38…just normal traffic.

My set up is pretty much the default from when I first set it up. I wasn’t even aware the camera could set off an alarm, so this is concerning that it can do so. Then Noonlight as a response disarmed my system.

What can I do to troubleshoot this? Having an alarm system that sets off false positives that is then remotely disabled by a third party is not exactly ideal. Thanks for any tips here.

Some clarification questions…

What you are describing from your Cam “setting off an alarm” sounds like the Cam Protect product. But since you have Door Sensors and a Motion Sensor, I will also assume you have the Wyze Sense Hub and HMS?

The two products are incompatible with each other and you cannot have both. Also, cams cannot set off an alarm on the HMS.

You should have also received an SMS text from Noonlight as well as Push Notifications from the Wyze App when your system went into Entry Delay or when it Alarmed. Did you get those?

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I am looking a the text I received. Karen called from Noonlight and left a message that they received a HMS alarm from my wyzemotion. There’s a couple of repeats, stay calm…callng the police. Then the final message is abouut not responding or dispatching due to the alarm not meeting their criteria.

I guess it’s the motion sensor that set things off, not the cam. I typically don’t put it out whre there could be an inadvertent trigger, however, the last few times I’ve been putting it on a table in the middle of a room. I guess a cat could have been inside and set it off.

Yes to the SMS from Noonlight, the push notifications…that’s not clear to me. I get lots of meessages about the doors opening or movement on the cams. The alarrrm being triggered, not sure on that one. I should probably put it in test mode and make sure my phone is set up to display these correctly.

It was a motion sensor rather than a cam then. If you take a look in the HMS Monitoring Tab, scroll down until you see “Monitoring Events”, and then click “more”, you should be able to see a detailed list of monitoring events by date. If you select the day of that alarm, it should show you the exact time and the name of the sensor that tripped the alarm.

The Motion Sensors are designed to be directionally specific. There is a specific way they need to be mounted, at a specific height, to be effective. They have an up indicator on them to indicate the proper mounting direction. If you have pets that can potentially set them off, it is recommended that they are mounted lower and up-side-down to allow for pets roaming below the PIR field.

The app will send a Push Notification from Wyze to the phone alerting you. Noonlight will send an SMS Text Message from one of their Monitoring Center Phone numbers.

Each sensor has settings within the sensor settings to disable Notifications. The same is true for the cams.

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Okay, I can mount the motion sensor on the wall above 3’ upside down and that should prevent accidental triggers by my cats.
I’m looking on the monitoring events on that day. Wyze3 (cam) gets repeated ‘motion recorded’ events before and during the alarm.
I see the first event is ‘armed away’ at 7:52am. That’s me leaving the house.
There’s an ‘entry delay started’ at 8:33 am, then ‘alarm triggered’ at 8:34am, then ‘emergency response contacted’ at 8:36,…more wyze3 motions events, then ‘alarm cancelled’ at 9:39 am.
It doesn’t really say the motion sensor set the alarm off though that seems to be the case.

I just ran a test on my HMS. It used to show which sensor was activated in the monitoring history. I don’t see that anymore I’m going to have to check with others to see when that got taken out.

Thanks for your help. This has been a very useful thread.

I did a search and found one of my old posts where I posted a screenshot of the monitoring events list. That post was regarding the monitoring events being posted to the list out of order. It was a bug for some time that included incorrect times indicated on sensors triggering the system and also being listed in the incorrect order in the monitoring events list. But, it does show that there used to be a notation in the monitoring events list when any sensor triggered an alarm on the HMS.

Recently in June, Wyze announced that they had “fixed” this bug thru a Firmware update: (June 22, 2023) Improved the time synchronization mechanism of the hub and fixed Monitoring Events sequencing issues.

It appears that the fix for this was to completely remove the monitoring events reporting for all sensors.