CAM Protect: Noonlight activating alarm after false positive person detection


I’ve been reaching out to support but they aren’t helping.

I’m not concerned about the false positive the camera is triggering. I’m concerned about the noonlight agents (actually it’s the same agent) that is triggering the alarm on false positive detections.

Support is just ignoring that question and not answering as they are focusing on the camera’s false positive instead of the acknowledgement and alarm triggered by noonlight.

@Mavens Anyone dealt with something like this?

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I haven’t seen reports like this in here or the other Wyze social platforms.

Noonlight should certainly be reviewing the video before blindly triggering an alarm. That was supposed to be the entire point of Cam Protect, getting user discretion to review the video.

While the false detections are a secondary issue to that, OP is it possible you could post a screenshot of what’s seen on the video when it is detecting a person even though no person is present? I’m still curious to see if we can figure out what is likely causing the false detection and if there is something that can be done to mitigate it.

I’m not sure what to suggest for resolving the Noonlight issue. Someone at Wyze in charge of that project would probably have to reach out to their moonlight contact. I know they can do this, because of other rare situations in aware of where they have had to do so in the past (for example, there was an issue once where a customer who didn’t even have cam protect kept getting police sent to their house every couple of hours including all night long for at least a couple of days straight and Noonlight said they were legally obligated to keep doing it because they were getting the alarms from Wyze, and the police said they were obligated to check on them because the alert kept coming in, and I know they worked together to resolve that one). I’m just not sure of their threshold on when they will do so over an issue.


I have also not seen this happening far and wide. I would be interested to know what footage is being detected and or if we can have someone at the company reach out to noon light and see what their exact protocols are. I thought reviewing the footage was part of the protocol for this as well. I wonder if there’s a breakdown happening


I don’t have the footage because this happened on June 8.

The camera is monitoring the front porch. The plant leaves were moving with the wind.

Wyze AI identified that as a person and sent the alarm to noonlight.

Cam protect video verification is turned on and this issue isn’t happening all the time. (They are ignoring false positives most of the time). However, whenever this happens, it’s the same noonlight agent who messages me (I don’t want to disclose the name here).

This is the second time it happens. The first time was caused by rain.

I have opened a case and support is totally weird… They just asked for the logs to work on the false positive from the software side (which is good) while I’m actually concerned about the human verification process…

It looks like they retired Cam Protect as it’s now listed under the legacy plans:

Hello I have had this same issue with a moonlight agent named Karen, it happened on July 31st and it happened again just a few moments ago after midnight both times this same exact agent and both times nothing at all on the video, if they would have taken anytime at all to actually review the video like they are supposed to it would show there was no threat… So I would also like help figuring this out.

Have you contacted Support about this? If you haven’t yet. I recommend that you do so that your experience can be documented and then forwarded to the appropriate team. This is a user forum, a good place for tips and tricks and for fellow users to talk Wyze shop, but concerns like this should be brought up to Support.


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