Events won't load in iphone app

Thank you for the workaround.
I just want to make clear to others and, hopefully, any Wyze tech-support people monitoring this forum that in this workaround, the First Event of the day WILL play from the SD card but still NOT from the EVENTS tab as it should. I too hope this is resolved soon!

Same issue for me. I receive notifications of events, but when I try to view them they won’t load - just spins saying loading. All firmware is updated, restarted cameras, made sure app is up to date. Very frustrating! Has never been a problem before.

Still happening for me also. It is the first event per camera or 1st event in the view I have selected. I have 4 cameras and thought it was happening for all except one but really it was the first event of the view I had selected. So sometimes I have an event at my camp and it is only one and I can’t view it unless I download it because I uncheck the rest of my cameras. But if I then select one of my home cameras and my camp together, as long as the home camera had an event before the camp one, I can now view the first event at the camp no problem. Hard to explain but hoping Wyze fixes whatever change they made that broke this a few months back.

Neither problem is fixed in the latest version ( of the app. I guess they don’t care about the Wyze app experience for IOS users. And, apparently, they don’t believe in regression testing.

Same here on Ios 18. All wyze cameras and app on latest version. First event in the event list will not load. I can delete them all and then the first one to record after that has the same issue. First in the list will never load.

First event 00:31 iPhone with iOS 18.3
The Package tag is probably the trash can? :grin:


Interesting observation.I never yet deleted the daily events. Have you notified Wyze support? I am not sure if this thread is monitored by Wyze tech support people who could at the very least advise that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. I notified them back in December and their response was to monitor future app and firmware updates. So far, as you are probably aware, these app updates have not helped. I’m still waiting…

Same issue for me on Wyze Cam v2.