Can’t load event videos

Keep getting error unable to load event video. Using the latest firmware on wyze and iPhone/ipad. Problem happens on more than one iPhone.

Is this on SD card or Cam Plus recordings?

If the former, could be a problem with your SD card, try removing it and formatting it in a computer (exFAT file system) - my recommendation is use the SD card formatter utility from Card could also just be going bad, or have been bad from the start.

if the latter, might be internet connection related (either the recording isn’t uploading successfully or you aren’t able to access it to view it). You can check on Web View to see if the events are present there, if they are then uploading is working fine.

I have 9 Wyze cameras and all of them are up to date with firmware. I’m running iOS version 18.2.1. Where do I set this new requirement? What do I set it to? J went under settings on my iPhone, went into Wyze app and didn’t see anything about that requirement. My internet is fast. If I can’t play back the videos, I should get a credit from Wyze until this problem is fixed

I have SD cards on all cameras. I format them from within Wyze

I tried Webview from a laptop at home and I can’t watch any of the videos online either. I can see all of them are online but I still get the error “unable to load this event”

I don’t know what new requirement you’re talking about.

Which videos are you trying to watch, SD card or Cloud? Do both give the error?

Yes, I get the errors from using the app and trying to watch it via Webview ( - access my cameras)
I’ve tried it from different iPhones, iPad and windows laptop.

I appreciate any help. I’m beyond frustrated

Do you have Cam Plus or Cam Plus Unlimited subscription?

I have both across the 9 different cameras
I can’t load event videos from any of them.

Why would you have both? After five cameras it makes more sense to upgrade to Cam Unlimited.

How about live view? Does that work on both Web View and on the App?

If you can’t watch the Cloud videos from either the app or web view then they are not successfully uploading. What is your internet upload speed and internet type (cable, fiber, wireless, satellite, etc)?

Could also be an issue with the wifi to the cams, but if you’re able to view live view and SD card footage and it is smooth, then that probably isn’t the issue.