Events when I open the APP

I get push notifications of events, perfect, but now when I go into the app to go look at a camera I have to move through all of the events before I can view a camera. This is super annoying mainly because many events in the front yard will severely delay me from being able to view driveway of side yard cameras. This is not good, there needs to be an option to shut that off. I get it that some people may “enjoy” this, but I for one do not, and in some cases this could even be a safety issue.


I may have found the “fix”. I enabled "Autoplay Video Live Streams, on the home page. I’d rather not have it auto load just the one, but rather what I choose, but this is much less annoying than having to watch all unviewed events before being able to select a camera for live view, or at minimum going through events on a camera you’re not concerned about to finally get to the one you want to look at so you can press “live view.” Hoping this is the fix.

Can you provide a video of what you are seeing?

If you add a camera to the Home page, leave it set to not Auto-play then when you tap on the camera, it will open to the live stream with the recent events below the live stream. So not sure what you are experiencing.

Also, can you provide which camera model you are experiencing this with and the iOS Wyze App version you are using


I have a camera on the home page, and it used to automatically load that camera live stream when I opened the app. I tried to get a video, but when I verified that it was still exhibiting the same behavior, I exited, and came back in and it went straight to the home screen, which is the behavior I want. So, on the initial opening of the app, it plays the new unviewed events in sequence. Meaning I have to swipe through all of the events, even though I already did that from the IOS home screen to get rid of all of the notifications. Apparently I’m on a version when you go to the about screen it does not give you the app version number. But from the app store, I’m on version on iOS 17.6.1 and all of my cameras are V3.

I also just swapped to condensed view for the home screen, maybe that will help as well.

I’m having the same issue, I posted about it HERE
I have a screen recording of an example I’m willing to PM someone if it would help figure out the problem.

I agree this is a safety issue.

I am having the same issue. Wyze app version 3.2.7(1),

I receive Wyze push notifications for events. If I tap on a push notification, I am taken to that event recording. Perfect.

But if I open the Wyze app directly, I am still taken to an event recording. I don’t want to be taken to an event when I open the app directly, I want to be taken to the homepage.

Secondarily, when I open the app and am taken to an event, it now makes me to back, back, back through several previous events before I can get to the homescreen. This is very frustrating.

So, ideally:

  1. Opening the app directly would always take you to the homescreen.
  2. When you are viewing an event recording, you shouldn’t have to page back through previous event recordings to get back to the homescreen.

This has been driving my absolutely nuts. Someone please help!


I have this exact behavior in my app and I hate it. I hate it so much I am about to give away all my wyze cams and purchase something else.

When I open the Wyze app on my phone I want it to load the Home tab. Never play an event. I cannot figure out how to configure the app to do this.

Auto playing the last dozen events when I open the Wyze app makes no sense to me. I keep hitting back, back, back, back, back and old events keep loading.

Please stop the madness.

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Do you completely close the app when you are done using it? Or do you just background the app? What app version are you using?

I background the app during regular use as I switch between apps.

Swiping away the app is what I’ll do if there are too many events that play. It’s a hack workaround but works. Very frustrating.

It would be great if the app went back to the old behavior where swiping it away wasn’t necessary.

Can anyone from Wyze comment towards this or just acknowledge that this is happening??

I think that’s your problem. You have to completely close the app as it “remembers” the last thing you did.

Thanks for trying to help. It never used to work this way. To design as such makes no sense.

No one is swiping away iOS apps regularly. To have to do that now with the Wyze app is ridiculous.

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Absolutely not the issue, I swipe mine away regularly, I hate leaving apps running in the background. Mine still has the same issue. I have to let one event autoload, then swipe the app away again, then reload it for it to behave correctly. Writing code that forces the events to play before going to your favorites screen is absurd. I even have a camera set up to auto load, because that was supposed to be the magic pill to fix this, that didn’t work either.


Not the issue, happens with a fresh start especially.

I swipe mine all the time, I hate when they all pile up and slow down my phone.

That is very interesting, I have never had that issue. I wonder why some people have this issue and some don’t.

I managed to capture a screen recording of the issue. Upon opening the Wyze app I had to arrow back through 4 events to get to the Home Screen. Sometimes there are more, sometimes fewer and at times I don’t have to back through any events at all. I generally don’t leave the app open in the background. Currently running iOS 18.2 although the issue was happening before the update; Wyze app is version 3.2.7 (1). Disregard the cameras being offline at the end of the video. They are powered off during the day.


Oh, wow that is freaking weird. Never seen that before :astonished:

Yeah, that would be annoying. It’s clearly an unintended behavior and thus a bug that should be fixed.

Yes! I am having the exact same issue and can’t figure out how to have the app just open in the Home Screen where the cameras