Error (code 3001)!


I deleted all the problematic cameras and added them again and it’s really helped.
It was windy here today so there was a lot of events recorded (around 50 I think) and I only had 3 - 3001 errors.
Give it a try,

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Got a bunch more 3001 ERRORS again today and now have a V3 with a bad SD slot. Pricing out 10 Blink cameras as WYZE is ignoring this global problem, you guys NEED TO DO BETTER! All CamPlus subscribers should be credited and no longer charged until this year old problem is resolved.

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What are the symptoms of a bad SD slot?

Stopped recording to SD, new SD card not recognized.

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I have had the same error for months.
I have 8 v2 cams & 2 v3s with the same behaviour.
Rebooting & formatting SD card do nothing. (I am not going to remove & re-add all of my cameras as this is clearly a problem on wyze side).

I am sure this is not a problem with the camera, setup or configuration (if I “download” the video to my phone it plays completed fine).

It seems to me like a problem with the app & AWS cloud integration?
Has anyone had any “real solutions” from wyze if you submit a ticket?


As expected CRICKETS from WYZE, pretty sad with all their staff they can’t resolve the 3001 errors.


“People like to say that, like it’s “user error” or some BS…”

IKR? Kinda like when someone says, “Everyone is having this problem.”.

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I have just given up on Wyze, will be cancelling my subscriber services then replacing my cameras.
It’s too bad Wyze is ignoring all us once faithful supporters, glad I did not waste anymore money and did not buy the thermostat or security system for my house, those were the last parts of my Wyze Smart Home. I do regret buying 13 cameras that was a waste guess I will just box them up and dump them on KiJiJi or Ebay.


KiJiJi please :pray:

So the ERROR 3001 is still happening. A LOT of comments here about the same problem. And what does Wyze do? They come out with a new camera we can get the same old 3001 error on. Pumping out new products as fast has they do. And ignoring known problems will be the end of Wyze. Just a matter of time…


I did that first, did resets as well, 3001 errors are random across all cameras I would say this is a well know issue with their cloud storage provider and not hardware as I can pull clean from the SD card. They really need to bring in outside resources to teach them.

Deleting and re-adding all my cameras helped for a while but now probly half my events get the dreaded 3001 error.


Resetting them helps for a while too. But only a day or two. I guess that’s good enough for Wyze. As they keep pumping out new products. Who knows, some may even work…

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I see the same thing. Playback off the card is fine.

Thought I would try out the new Pan Camera, I will never learn, same issue. Definitely a cloud retrieval issue with Wyze, they are well aware and unable or willing to resolve this billable product service failure. We should not be paying for a broken service.

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I have had Wyze for years and have never experienced these 3001 errors until the past 2-3 months, but now they happen all the time while trying to playback ‘events’. Plays about halfway, then getting the error. Super lame. We want a fix.

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Gwendolyn Alanna Evans, the Amin of the Wyze FB group said this when I asked if anything was being done for this problem:
" we are! And we’re testing a build that addresses this internally now."

I’m not holding my breath…


Everyone is seeing the same thing. There’s a few Wyze groupies/brown nosers that will say they don’t see them. Buy it doesn’t take a genius to know this ERROR is not selective. It’s been happening long enough that Wyze should have taken care of it before now. So they are either not able to. Or are not that concerned with it. Just move on and sell more stuff.

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I may not buy another thing from then even after they take care of this. They have shown very little concern with this problem. And just keep pumping out more products.


I’ve been experiencing this for well over 6 months, kinda ridiculous since it only records for 3-4 seconds.