Error Code 05

Just recently started getting error code 05. Saw a few topics about this but didn’t see how the issue was resolved. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When this happens to me, I simply do the Live Stream and the select Restart in the settings area. Otherwise, I remove power from the Problem Camera, wait for about 15 seconds, the apply power back and let it boot up.


Restart didn’t work. I will try unplugging the camera when I get home.

Update for those who have this same issue. Unplugging and powering back up fixed the error. Thanks @spamoni


My pleasure. Glad it worked for you.

Just to chime in on this older post.

  1. My Wyze app v does not have a reset option in the settings. I only have v1 cams. No there is nothing below delete like I saw in several videos.
  2. I’m not sure how unplugging would help, my Wyze Cam v1 is battery powered, pulling the power cord should have no effect.
  3. I did power cycle, but I still can’t see the events from the past few days. I can see older images. For some reason it’s not recording videos.
    More info to come.

Any update? Thanks!!

I am also having this issue. I thought it was the device so I bought a new one and it worked for about 2 weeks, now getting this every time someone triggers it.

WYZE sucks. They know they have problem and they don’t fix it. The FIXING that some useres are providing is at the least funny. In the 90’s maybe the solution was REBOOT. In the 1990’s. Wake up WYZE to 2023.