Error code -20006 V3 cam

How to repair that error.

Welcome to the WYZE circus. There is probably nobody here that knows what that code is. Can you explain when it happens? Like trying to see the live view or something else.

Couple of things to try.

  1. If you are running a VPN try turning it off.
  2. Power cycle your cameras, WiFi router and device with the Wyze App.

Very interesting how Wyze does not like it when you are using a VPN when using their app and products.

That is exactly what was stopping me from viweing my cameras
and receiving error code 20006 but the audio was being recorded on Wyze servers.

Feel real secure here. NOT.

Some VPNs work and some don’t, and this is for several reasons depending on the VPN.

I have several VPNs and I have had trouble with some and been able to use Wyze completely fine with others. This tells me Wyze isn’t blanket banning all VPNs since many still work. But when I was having some problems I looked into what the difference is and I can share some ideas of things some people can consider/check if they are having some VPN connection issues.

Note, I am not suggesting all of these issues are applicable to any particular person in this thread, and obviously most of them can’t apply at the same time, but I am just being thorough so there is something to reference in the future for people having VPN problems to know things they can consider or try to workaround in some cases. But here is a list of common things that cause IoT devices like smart cameras to not work with a VPN when that is the case:

  1. There are certainly times when Wyze has blocked particular VPN addresses for security reasons (hackers and credential stuffers like to use VPN’s too, and when attacks are perpetrated from those addresses, they often get blocked, possibly permanently.
  2. Sometimes there can be Geolocation Restrictions on specific regions and using a VPN server for that region will fail.
  3. Additional Encryption Overhead can sometimes cause failure of the real-time data transmission in certain circumstances for various reasons, including latency and bandwidth, though since you are getting an error it’s not likely that in this case.
  4. Port Conflicts (VPN servers often block or reroute certain ports required for use by the IoT device, causing server resolution errors. This actually happens a lot with certain VPNs and is their fault in those cases)
  5. Mismatched network settings: Sometimes the VPN’s DNS servers or configurations may not align with the camera’s required setup, causing resolution errors.
  6. Sometimes a VPN protocol (openVPN, WireGuard, or other) isn’t compatible with a camera’s requirements.
  7. Double NAT issues from a VPN sometimes cause cameras to be inaccessible remotely (I actually had this problem myself once)
  8. Throttling - by ISP or VPN. I’m guessing this isn’t your issue here, but I might as well mention it for the sake of completeness.
  9. Other Firewall settings (I had one of my VPN’s blocking my Wyze cams connecting until I found the firewall setting causing the issue). We saw something very similar to this from Comcast gateways recently blocking anyone with an XB7 gateway from allowing any remote connection to their Wyze cameras that use TUTK and only allowing local connections. Some VPNs do similar things and prevent remote connection to certain protocols, etc, in some cases not even allowing you to change firewall settings because they set on the server you connect to and can’t be customized, thus never allowing a connection to certain devices, while still allowing connections to some other devices depending on the protocol in question (similar to how Xfinity users could use other brands, but the XB7 gateway blocked Wyze cams when away from home…but in this case since a VPN always enforces device isolation, then ALL device connections are never allowed to connect locally and thus never allowed to connect at all for live streams. You can kind of figure out if this is the issue if they still work for cloud events and some other things, just not live streaming or viewing the SD card).
  10. Authentication token issue. I don’t know if or how Wyze uses these, but I do know that some smart cameras tie tokens to IP addresses for authentication and so when a VPN alters the IP address, it makes the token expire or fail, causing errors.
  11. I know the V3 uses (or at least used to use) TUTK protocol for most app livestreaming, and WebRTC for other things like Google Home and Alexa streaming. I know that RTSP and WebRTC are known to have some issues over a lot of VPN protocols, and it is possible that TUTK does as well. Some other Wyze cams use a different SDK, and they might behave differently on different VPNs too. The point is that it is known that sometimes there is a streaming protocol incompatibility.

So, when/if a camera isn’t working on a VPN, it’s usually for one of the above reasons and not all of them are the camera company’s fault. As far as Wyze is concerned, it could be their fault (I wouldn’t be surprised if they are banning some of the major commercial VPN’s due to hacking and credential stuffing attacks), but I do know they don’t ban ALL VPNs because I’ve been able to use several of them to view my Wyze devices. So it’s not a complete blanket ban on VPNs since many still work, but some of the above may give a few people ideas for things to check into or try differently to see if they can get their VPN to connect since a couple of the above listed things worked for me with some of my VPNs. But it is certainly possible that you’re using a shared ID/IP with yours that was being used by malefactors who got that server/IP banned because of some idiot ruining things for everyone else.