On another thread we were discussing the lack of ability to download event clips through WebView. Turns out the ability is actually there, but…
I discovered that on some clips when I right click on them as they are playing, the option to “Save Video As” is available and I can save the clip as an mp4. But on others the Save option is grayed out.
At first I thought it could be related to the camera model but that wasn’t it. I then removed all my cams from Cam Plus and re-added them. Still nothing. Same thing, some would allow saving, others wouldn’t.
After a couple more minutes I found the pattern. Any event that reports a sound detected and recorded will let me download it just fine through WebView. But clips without sound will not allow downloading.
@WyzeSeth@WyzeMatt check out what this user discovered! Apparently we can download web portal event videos that are sound detections, but not any of the motion, or AI detections. Is there any way that you guys could look into seeing why the sound events allow downloading and fix the other events to have the same permission, so that we can download the AI events now too? That would be awesome!!
Yeah, I donno. Windows 10 w/Brave brower. Cam Plus Lite 12-sec clips. Some tagged Motion and some Person & Motion. No clips tagged Sound (no cams set to detect on it.) One clip from a cam with sound recording off (silent.)
Downloaded five from today and five from a week ago without a problem. Got tired. Took a nap.
Strange. That’s what I was using. Same browser, same OS. I haven’t coded since I designed a database using FoxPro about 30 years ago but it seems to me that with the web hosting solutions available today, enabling downloads should be a simple as checking a single box.
No. From what I can tell, Wyze had Seth working on Webview updates between Dec 2023-July 2024 and then needed him to work on other things as a priority. They may get back to working on more webview updates in the future since some wishlist items are still listed as some version of “in progress” but things have been on hold since July 2024 from what I can tell.
I am only basing this on release notes timeline and Wyze LinkedIn positions. I have not officially heard an employee say the above.
Up until around Dec 15 2024, I was able to do right-click “save video as” from the web view of all of my camera’s clips. I didn’t encounter the sound event issue that other people reported above. All of the downloaded clips themselves did not include sound (which I thought was a limitation set by Wyze on the web view). I did not have my camera set to trigger on sound events, only motion events.
On 12/16/2024 I accepted Wyze’s holiday offer for a free month of Cam Unlimited Monthly service. At that time, the 'save video as" option began being grayed out on all cloud videos that were recorded on and after that point. I’m using Windows 10 and tried with 3 different web browsers, so the ability was obviously blocked from Wyze’s end. I was still able to do “save video as” on all of the earlier cloud recordings.
Additionally, when I unsubscribed (right after Wyze auto-billed for a 2nd month that I had not intended), after the end of that 2nd month, subsequent events in the cloud were no longer 12-second clips. Instead, each motion event showed only a single picture. I’m still able to right-click and “save image as” on those. I’ve opened a ticket to ask they resume storing that 12-second clips.
UPDATED TO ADD: I see that after the Cam Unlimited service ended, I needed to go to my.wyze.com/account/services and resubscribe to Cam Plus Lite service on all of my cameras. Very disappointed that that didn’t happen automatically.
After doing that, “save video as” is still grayed out.
UPDATED AGAIN: The “save video as” links are now working for me, The 12-second clips do include sound, both in web view and in the saved MP4 files.