Doorbell V2 continously trips on foggy nights

I have had the Doorbell V2 since August 2023 with only one issue: it trips continuously when it is foggy. Turning down the detection settings to 30 did nothing.

Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a solution?

I thought it was launched in October 2023! I’ve had mine installed since early November last year.

By this, do you mean that you receive frequent “Motion Detected” events or something else?

I haven’t experienced this particular problem. What I see a lot where I live is “Motion Detected” events on particularly windy days even though I have a Detection Zone set and Motion Detection Sensitivity set to 20.

Do you have Motion Tagging enabled? If so, then does that give you any indication of what might be triggering the events (if I correctly understand what’s happening)?

I also wonder about your Night Vision Mode settings, but that probably has less to do with the issue than your Motion Detection Sensitivity and whether or not you’re using a Detection Zone. My guess is that you’re just going to have to tweak it until you find the right balance between potentially missing things you might want to see (true positives) and minimizing motion events that you’re not really concerned about (false positives) to an acceptable level.

Thank you for your response.

The activation date was 8/30/2023.
Yes, I receive frequent notifications when there is fog and have Motion Tagging turned on. The tagging shows random rectangles. I have the detection zone turned off. Until I turned them off, I was getting a lot of gunshot and glass-breaking notifications in the middle of the night. It is highly unlikely there were that many gunshots of glass breaking, if any, in my rural area at night. I am concerned about false positives as we are 1,600 miles from the unit, and the notifications wake us up. Tweaking it is an issue as we are not there to test it,

I always thought it was weird that mine has an activation date of “08/29/2023”, even though I purchased mine on 31 October 2023 and installed it on 6 November 2023. :man_shrugging:

I agree that it’s difficult to do detailed testing/tweaking when you’re not on site. I think this is what I’d consider:

  1. Lowering the Motion Detection Sensitivity setting and seeing what effect that has.
  2. Turning off notifications for that camera overnight and/or at times when you think there might be fog. If you’re using a microSD card (and especially if you have that set for continuous recording), then you should still have recordings of events (if any), and you can review those at a later time without being bothered by the notifications in real time.

Maybe someone else will chime in with some better ideas.

Good ideas posted in this thread.

My v2 was installed about the same time as both of yours.

@paulloiselle I am assuming you have Camplus, as you referenced glass breaking and gunshots, both only available with Camplus (?).

The first 2-3 months of operation my v2 was driving me crazy. Our front door opens to a small alcove, almost a small porch. There are 2 columns that the doorbell sees about 4 ft away. The columns were being identified as a “Package”, every time a tree waved or lighting changed. Over the course of about 1 month I sent in about 3 events a day correcting the event.

Slowly the false positives subsided. My guess was Wyze was doing something with the Ai. Since then (past 8 months or so) I may see a false positive once every few days. So I went from 10’s of false positives a day to a a couple a week.

Realizing you are not on site I would suggest the following.

Make sure you are only triggering on "Smart Detection Events. This should get rid of motion events.

In your Smart Detection Events only select the bare minimum. On my v2 I only select Person and Packages. You may need to also select Vehicles. I don’t as I have 2 other cams looking for vehicles.

When looking at Events if the event is a false positive send the feedback to Wyze. It may take a few weeks but I, and others have seen results.

Good luck. You will get there.

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I appreciate your ideas, too. I didn’t clue into the subscriber-only smart detections, so that’s a good catch, and I like your suggestions.

I like this encouragement, too! :slightly_smiling_face:

I recently installed the v2 and I’m experiencing the same problem when it’s foggy. I get a motion notification every 10 or 12 minutes throughout the night. I have Cam Plus and have the doorbell set for Smart Events only. I use a Detection Zone and I have motion set to 30.

If I turn off the night vision, the notifications stop. I obviously don’t want to do that because filming actual events, especially at night, was the reason that I bought this.

I have submitted sample videos to Wyze so that they can review.

I think that Wyze has to adjust their AI to handle this.