I think you’re misinterpreting the note above the initial post, which relates to the original poster. This topic was started in February 2024. As the Video Doorbell v2 has been available for only a year, it wouldn’t make sense to have a 3-year-old topic about that product.
The fingers are still pointing to Google for that one, including with respect to the new doorbell model:

Does anyone know of a device I could plug into the Wyze plug that would make a chime when the plufg turns on?
The FM radio thing makes sense to me and is probably the easiest. I’ve actually used an old clock radio in the past as something to plug in and make noise when testing circuits and trying to figure out which breaker controls a particular electrical outlet.
What about a fan pointed at some wind chimes? I think the answer is going to depend upon what kind/volume of sound you’d find to be a useful alert. I’ve read about using a siren attached to a Plug for use as an alarm triggered by Wyze Automations, but that seems like overkill unless you want to wire that up outside to scare the out of your trick-or-treaters.
Also, what about notifications on your phone? Even if you had something like a spare Android phone (though I see that you’re an iOS user), you could plug that in (charging, so you don’t have to carry it), set a custom notification sound for the Wyze app, and connect it to an external (3.5 mm plug) or Bluetooth speaker and set the volume for this “chime” on your phone. Something like that might be a temporizing solution, at least until the new Wi-Fi Chime is available for separate purchase (if you’re interested in that at all).