Wishlist - Cam V3 and V4 as CHIME for Doorbell V2

Please consider updating firmware to allow Wyze Doorbell V2 to utilize Wyze Cam V3/V4 as remove extension CHIME


Is this the right place for Wish lists?

I don’t know if this is Wishlist or not. But I want to vote that Wyze Cam V3 is supported as a chime box. That would be awesome!
Doorbell v2 needs this badly since the old plug-in chimes are not compatible.

Totally agree. I’m still waiting for them to also do V4. Have both.

I don’t know what the timeline for “soon” is, but the “Can I use a Wyze Cam as a chime for Wyze Video Doorbell v2?” article in the Wyze Help Center says this:

We plan to expand this function to Wyze Cam v3 soon.


You created this post in the Cameras category. There’s a separate Wishlist category if you think this topic warrants that. My understanding is that posts to that category go into a queue to await Moderator approval before they’re publicly available for voting and response. If you want this to be an actual Wishlist item, then you can flag your own initial post and use that to send a message to the Moderators and ask them to recategorize this.

While I like the idea of the Cameras as Chime feature and think it would be cool if other Wyze video doorbell models and cameras supported it, I would note that, like many new Wyze features, it definitely has some bugs that need to be worked out.

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