Looking for a doorbell part/jig so it will face down to capture the porch - which is where packages rest. Without the doorbell facing down the doorbell misses it when the delivery folk throw a package on the porch without standing in front of the door. My ugly home made jig works but Wyze does a great job listening to customers. Please vote for this request!
Wyze makes a Vertical Doorbell Wedge.
Unfortunately I believe it was only found in the Doorbell Wedge Kit sold with the doorbell bundle at Home Depot. I don’t think they sell it individually yet.
I use this one:
you could also go with something that was 3D Printed:
I also made my own according to what I required for my porch but there are many people that don’t have the skills or the tools necessary for some things. I have found many other options online for wedges that do a lot of things, that’s usually where I direct people because each person’s use is different, but I was able to work mine out similar to yours and do what I required for my small porch. Well done!
I’m 3d printing my own also, but it would have been much more convenient to purchase both the vertical wedge kit and the doorbell at the same time so I didn’t have delay installation. Took me a few days to find someone who was willing to let me use their 3d printer. Home Depot did not have the kit in my store.
A post was split to a new topic: Wyze Doorbells - Provide downloadable STL files for wedge mounting plates