Doorbell Camera/Outdoor Cams

I love how versatile and how many options Wyze is introducing…but what is really keeping me from going from 2 to 3 apps down to 1 for home secuirty is the fact that Wyze does not offer Outdoor rated Cameras,or a Doorbell camera/thing like Ring does. Even if the systems arent $20 but more affordable than the other competitors options, I’d be brand loyal to Wyze in a heart beat. Yes there are aftermarket “housings” you can buy, but those can fail over time, and honestly, arent great unless they themselves are covered and protected. Not all houses have that ability.

Welcome to the community, @rockinredneck09. Your two Wishlist requests are in #roadmap already. For your convenience and future refererence here is How to Use the Wishlist. :slight_smile:


They’re $20. My Ring was way more and we do not care for it. We have four Wyze outside and not all protected as you mention. Multiple housing types all fine. Come to think of it the only one I’ve ever had an issue with is inside. Outside they’ve been through rain, hail and the heat here is like the devil’s armpit. Person detection…the end. Not to mention my AI prof from college would flip if he were still around to see this. The fact they are processing person detection on the camera is like wizardry. personally I’d rather see a smart switch. If we’re dreaming I’d like a submersible Wyze cam I could use as a fish finder.