Please see this support article. FAT32 is supported, exFAT is not.
Bah! I got them mixed up. Thanks!
Hello, I have similar issues with my 32 GB Class10 microSD. My brand new Wyze Ve cam was set up last night and the new firmware was installed. The camera setup was completed and looks like all systems and settings work. Then I installed my brand new Kingston Class10 microSD and the camera would not recognize the insertion of the SD into the camera. It only showed no memory installed on the device. It would not allow the camera to format the new SD because it showed no SD memory was installed.
I checked my new microSD on other devices (a laptop and a Kindle Fire) after the Wyze cam would not recognize it, and they would not recognize the SD card either.
After reading similar complaints, I see the problem is common, but I cannot find any answers to correct, or restore functionality, to my new SD memory card. Please help. Thanks.
Was the card readable before being placed in the camera? Maybe you had a bad microSD card from the get-go.
I did not try the new SD card on anything prior to Wyze cam. It was new from the box. I will next time.
Any special protocol for installing or removing the card?
I recommend shutting down the camera via the app and then disconnect the power. This should allow all writes to finish vs. pulling the power during a write.
What @OverWatch said would be a good practice.
Try using Rufus to format the card. Set the format type to “Large FAT32”, the boot selection dialog to “non-bootable”, and change the allocation size to default.
To add to donkey, there is a portable version of that software.
If you want to fix the SD card yourself, I would recommend the most effective method - format it. CMD is also a method that many people would recommend, and I don’t think it solves unrecognized SD problem well. Of course, it is best to return.
Looks Like I am now also experiencing the same issue…No SD card detected.
Tried restarting the camera, unplugged it and plugged it back in, still no SD card detected.
Will try pulling the SD card out and reformatting it on my computer when I have some time tonight and see if that works.
I hope you can get rid of this trouble.
If the memory card is not recognized by the PC, then the memory card controller is defective. It can no longer control the data exchange between the card and the device, since even the most sophisticated tools are no longer helpful. This video is a good illustration of how Micro SD cards fail and how data can be saved:
Two of my Wyze microsd cards stopped being recognized by their Cam Pans recently. I put each card into an android tablet, which reformatted the card, and then put the cards back into their cameras and each card was recognized at full capacity again.
(Before trying the tablet, I put each card into a Windows 10 PC, it didn’t recognize either card)
Formatting worked for me. Make sure you use FAT32 format, otherwise it’s not going to work
If anyone has a problem about no SD card issue, check that your Wyze V2 is eligible for replacement .
2 of my 5 cams failed to recognize my sd card after formating/erasing via the Wyze app. Had to take micro sd card out and reformat on my Mac. I used FAT ex format, not FAT 32. Cards work fine now.
I just had this problem. I "borrowed the sd card for another temporary project then when I put it back it would not be recognized by the camera. It showed 10mb/0mb available on a 32mb Wyze brand card. I could “eject” the card but not format it. When I tried to format it I got an “SD card not available” messege. I formatted it many times with my pc to no avail. I then formatted it with my android phone and it was then recognized by my camera. I hope this helps.
Hello, trying to follow the tips from this page, I used to be so good with this kind of stuff but I am so lost. I found out my sd card wasn’t working when I tried to click on “look back” and it said there was no sd card installed, and there is and it had been working for over a year until maybe a few weeks ago, I figured out where reformat was and it won’t let me reformat bc it says they’re is no card inserted, I haven’t taken it out or anything to have it be any different and it worked in the past and it is a wyze sd card. I did take the card out, reinsert card, and tried to restart camera to solve problem . Still not recognizing sd card. What can I do? Thank you so much ahead of time.
Had the same issue card was used over a year and was no longer recognized using only motion detection, Was write protected in PC, Micro Sd cards wear out, after so many read writes they go into a write protect mode to save whatever data is on the card, You can copy all the data to a computer
but the card needs to be replaced, That was was my finding others maybe different.
Just do a search for Best memory cards for surveillance cameras, They are constantly writing to the card, Then over writing when full